And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 17:57:33 -0000
From: "mauro deoliveira" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

SOL Communications has just completed a 4000 lb plus food run on Black
Mesa. We were also carrying nearly 500 pounds of clothes. Our 8 vehicle
caravan left Los Angeles under the watchful eye of somebody with a badge,
but we are not sure who he was. Our run was well publicized locally. After
14 hours on the road, we safely landed at Glenna Begay's homesite. Glenna
is a Director of the Sovereign Dineh Nation. We bunked down for three hours
sleep then with Dineh adults as our leaders, we split into two groups and
delivered food.
The two groups delivered food to about 18 homesites, though we visited 25. 

Throughout the weekend we expected to see BIA, but we were only stopped by
the Hopi Rangers. They backed off when our Dineh guides
counter-interrogated them. The caravan was stopped 3 times by law enforcement.

So where is all the support on land? That is a logical question with so
many people "supporting" the struggle. Jake was at Roberta's and Sean was
at Glenna's. We also no of supporters at Pauline's but they were out with
the sheep when we arrived. We brought her a brand new truck battery,
installed it and fixed her gas line while we were there. Other than the
handful of people we saw, the Grandmother's are alone. What will happen
when the BIA, Hopi Rangers and the Navajo Police decide to impound the
livestock. Yes, the Navajo are very much a part of this. Without the Navajo
Tribal Council's blessings, this impoundment could not happen. Otherwise
would not the Navajo "protection agency" be there to defend thier own? No,
the Grandmothers, Grandfathers, and thier children who call themselves the
Sovereign Dineh Nation are alone. 

When the BIA reduces the livestock, they then turn around and sell the
livestock back to those they stole them from. If they really wanted to
reduce livestock they would not sell them back. But they do..each time this
has happened. So this is not livestock reduction. This is terrorism. 
Each person who calls himself/herself a supporter needs to ask themselves
if they can be on the land right now. From the 14th until around the 28th.
The Grandmother's will give you a warm place to bunk. They always watch
over us. There is no doubt...they want and need you now. Each group out
there on this list should support a vehicle or two and a couple of
supporters to make this trip.The primary mission is to document and witness
the reign of terror. Disposable cameras and video cameras are the most
powerful tools we have. 

Our 8 vehicle caravan and all 18 people made it home safely.

Mauro Oliveira
SOL Communications

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          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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