And now:"S.I.S.I.S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

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----------Forwarded message---------
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 09:06:51 -0800
From: arthur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  please post widely
P.O. BOX 5464
TACOMA, WA 98415-0464 USA
e-mail; bayou@blarg,net



  Though the support for the case of Leonard Peltier keeps growing, what
is needed at this time is a major push. I hope that I do not need to
explain why Leonard's case is, not only important to the struggles of
Indigenous People, but it is also important to all social activists. (those
that may not be up on Leonard's case send me an e-mail and I'll send
you information). The reality in the struggles to support political
prisoners like Leonard is that the public show of support has to be built
so large that it can overcome the political reasons that keeps them in

   In the case of Leonard there are strong political forces working against
him. There is the FBI and its cover-up of it's programs to suppress
activists. There is the multi-national energy companies who fear the truth
getting out on how they steal land. There is the U.S. Government that
fears the truth getting out on it's policies against Indigenous People (the
death squad that operated, which was trained and armed by the FBI is
no different than the type of things that have been done at the School of
the Americas), it's suppression of activists that it fears and that it is
working hand in hand with the multi-national companies against the
interests of the people. This is alot to overcome. But it can be done. But
to overcome this we need a united force of all people who believe in
solidarity in social struggles.

  We need help in organizing as many marches and rallies as possible
for February 6, 1999. It matters not if some locations the turn out is
small, for that is a begining of building support in that area. It matters
not if the location seems to out of the way, it is not. For the message
we need to send is that Leonard's case is well known and is supported
far and wide. We can combine our solidarity by press statements that
list all the locations and by people of each location issueing statements,
signed by all that are sent to Clinton (calling for clemency), to U.S.
congress people (calling for congressional hearings), to the U.S.
embassies, and any other places that may seem useful.

  We here of the Northwest Leonard Peltier Support Network, have had a
very active campaign for justice for Leonard. In a little over 5 years we
have had 46 rallies in our region and we have gotten out information on
Leonard's case to thousands of people around the world. We are asking
for emergency donations so that we can get the word out to publications
and organizations to mobilize for Feb. 6th DAY OF SOLIDARITY WITH
LEONARD PELTIER. No donation is too small. Please send donations
to: NWLPSN-Olympia Office, 5201 Capitol Blvd, Suite 119, Olympia,
WA 98501 USA.

  We also need people to get out information on Feb. 6th to all the e-
mail lists, publications and organizations possible.

 Together in united solidarity we can make a major difference. We all
just have to decide to act. Please help us in this struggle.

                                                        In Solidarity
                                                        Arthur J. Miller
                                                        coodinator, NWLPSN

    S.I.S.I.S.   Settlers In Support of Indigenous Sovereignty
        P.O. Box 8673, Victoria, "B.C." "Canada" V8X 3S2


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    sovereigntist struggles around the world.  To subscribe, send
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