And now:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (S.I.S.I.S.) writes:

:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:Forwarded message:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 17:14:47 +0100
Subject: OMCT Case MEX 221298/Mexico/Arbitrary detention/Mixteco Indigenous

 Case MEX 221298

 The International Secretariat of the OMCT requests your URGENT
intervention in connection with the following situation in Mexico.

 Brief description of the situation

 The Secretariat has been informed by the Mexican League for the Defence of
Human Rights (LIMEDDH), a member of the OMCT network, of its concern with
respect to the situation of four men belonging to the Mixtec indigenous
population: Anastacio Ramirez Simona, Sabino Adelaido Garcia, Esteban
Leobardo Epitacio and Alfonso Oliva Morales detained in Mexico.

 According to information received, on August 20th 1998 Anastacio Ramirez
Simona, Sabino Adelaido Garcia, Esteban Leobardo Epitacio and Alfonso Oliva
Morales, indigenous Mixtecans and survivors of the El Charco Massacre, were
testifying as defence witnesses for the prisoners Erika Zamora Pardo and
Efren Cortes Chavez when they were detained on warrants issued by the
Second District Judge Mrs. Xochitl Guido Guzman, who had summoned them to
the trial at the request of the prisoners' attorney, Mr. Jose Sanchez

 These detained persons are part of a group of 17 Mixtecans who were
previously arrested by troops of the Mexican Army on June 7th last in the
Charco and who were released several days later for lack of evidence. They
had been accused of being part of a supposed guerilla attack against a
detachment of the Mexican army. However, on June 22nd the General office of
the Prosecutor (Procuraduria General) of the Republic requested the judge
to issue warrants of arrest against these same peasants on the charges of
conspiracy and rebellion. The men filed a writ of Amparo against this
measure to the Third Judge without effect because the judge required them
to deposit a guarantee of ten thousand pesos each and they were unable to
do it in view of their scant resources. Consequently, they failed to obtain
a temporary suspension of the warrants of arrest.

 According to information from LIMEDDH since that time they have been
detained in the penal detention center of Acapulco in connection with file
no. 1798, penal case 49/98, in process before the Second District tribunal
in Acapulco. During 4 months they have been unable to see their families in
view of the great distance from their place of origin and the lack of
funds. According to the information, their detention conditions are

 Their defence lawyer filed a writ of Amparo, accepted by the Judge, Mrs.
Xochilt Guido Guzman in the Second District tribunal. She considered the
arrest warrant signed by the judge as a violation of fundamental guarantees
and transmitted the order to the third District Tribunal for an order of
release to be issued.

 According to the reports, the members of the indigenous population were
tortured by men in civilian clothes in the military installations of
Cumbres de Llano Largo, Guerrero, to force them to sign a statement drafted
by these same military men, accusing other peasants of having invited the
villagers to a meeting with the guerilleros.

 Action requested

 Please write to the Mexican authorities urging them to:

i. put into effect the writ of Amparo in favour of the above mentioned
persons, in accordance with the law;

ii. carry out a thorough and impartial investigation of the presumed acts
of torture performed against the persons mentioned above, identify those
responsible, bring them before a civil competent and impartial tribunal and
apply the penal, civil and/or administrative sanctions provided by law;

 iii.ensure the indigenous people adequate compensation and reparation;

 iv. ensure in all circumstances respect for human rights and fundamental
freedoms in accordance with the Constitution, national laws and
international human rights standards.


 Lic. Hugo Perez Bautista, Presidente del Tribunal Superior de Justicia del
Estado de Guerrero
 Fax 01(747) 2 41 91

 Lic. Xochitl Guido Guzman, Juzgado Segundo de Distrito, Tel. (74) 86 48 37.

 Lic. Lucitania Garcia Ortiz, Juzgado Tercero del Distrito, Acapulco.

 Lic. Angel Heladio Aguirre Rivero, Gobernador del Estado de Guerrero,
Palacio de Gobierno Sot. 2, Plaza Principal 39000, Chilpancingo, Gro. Tel.y
 Fax. (747) 1 18 81 Tel (747) 2-24 89, fax (747) 2-73 91

 Diplomatic representatives of Mexico accredited to your country

 Copies to

 Dr. Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon, Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos,
 Palacio Nacional Patio de Honor, Piso 1, Col. Centro, 06067 Mexico DF Tel
(525) 3 95 67 00, Fax (525) 2 77 23 76 and 3 95-6790

 Lic. Francisco Labastida Ochoa, Secretario de Gobernacion, Tel: 5 46 53 50
Con atencion a Lic. Agustin Davila Secretario de Agenda. ( Tel: 5 35 55 05
Fax: 5 46 53 50)

 Dr. Jorge Madrazo Cuellar, Procurador General de la Republica Procuraduria
General Fax: (525) 7 27 28 27

 Geneva, December 22 1998

 Kindly inform us of any action undertaken quoting the code of this appeal
in your reply.

Organisation Mondiale Contre la Torture (OMCT)
World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT)
37-39 Rue de Vermont
Case postale 119
CH-1211 Geneve 20 CIC
Tel. : 0041 22 733 31 40
Fax : 0041 22 733 10 51

    S.I.S.I.S.   Settlers In Support of Indigenous Sovereignty
        P.O. Box 8673, Victoria, "B.C." "Canada" V8X 3S2


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