And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 00:01:04 EST
>Subject: Fwd: Erwin
>X-Mailer: AOL 4.0 for Windows 95 sub 230
>Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 23:18:11 -0400
>From: David Voyles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Organization: AT&T
>X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.02E (Macintosh; U; 68K)
>Subject: Erwin
>References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Hello Friend (Thank you for considering me one, as I do you.)
>You make a very good point about the deception on which the student vote 
>was based, whether all parties considered it deception or not.  I will 
>share this with my colleagues at every opportunity.
>I more than understand your anger.  As I told my wife, the more I read, 
>not only of the history of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, but 
>recent history (L. Peltier & the Oglala incident, for example), the more 
>I am impressed with how patient you have been.  It has been twenty years 
>since I read "Bury My Heart..." but it is time to read it again.  Thanks 
>for the reminder.
>This information may not help you, but I will share my feelings with you 
>from my conversations with school board members in the past two weeks.  
>Steve Ensley (a fellow teacher) and I have been lobbying the board in 
>preparation for our statement on Thurs.  We did not want them to feel 
>that we were surprising them with anything, and we also wanted them to 
>view the videos I mentioned before.  (We sent copies to all whom you had 
>not already sent copies.)  We did not want to alienate them because we 
>think some are close to making the decision we want.  We also had been 
>wanting to make an official statement as faculty members for some time.   
>I have talked with four board members and Steve two. I believe that four 
>of those six would like to change the mascot (one is still pretty 
>neutral) and are beginning to understand (stress beginning) that this is 
>a moral issue and not only a political one.  Regardless, they definitely 
>understand now that it is a legal one.  Of course there's the distinct 
>possibility that they are just telling me what I want to hear.  I tell 
>you what we've done just so that you'll know; in no way am I suggesting 
>what you should or shouldn't do.  Whether your plans of demonstration 
>will push them towards our mutual goal or away from it, I can¹t say.
>By all means, I will continue to help in any way possible; I look 
>forward to seeing you at the Board meeting on Thursday (you'll be there, 
>I understand?)
>Rather than wait until Mon. I'm going to type the faculty statement in 
>for you now.  This is the copy I have at home, and it is pretty close to 
>the revised one, if not exactly it.  Keep in mind, it expresses a 
>majority, but unfortunately, not all of the faculty.  (By the way, we 
>are not mentioning the numbers, pro or con, of the faculty poll.  We 
>don't want this to be an issue of numbers, it's an issue of what's right 
>or wrong.)  If you would like to use the final copy after Thursday in 
>any publications, of course, you¹re welcome to it.  The intent is to be 
>public record.
>Definitely with you in spirit,
>Faculty Statement
>       In the belief that a public education institution has not only a 
>social responsibility, but a moral obligation to respect and to teach 
>respect for all people, regardless of race, religion, gender, or 
>culture, we, the undersigned Clyde A. Erwin High School faculty, 
>respectfully request that the Buncombe County School Board examine its 

>previous decision to allow the mascots at Erwin High School to remain as 
>the ³Warriors and Squaws.²
>       The directive to allow the student body at Erwin High School to decide 
>whether or not to change the mascot placed the faculty in an awkward 
>position.  While the intention of providing students with an opportunity 
>to participate in the democratic process was commendable, a consequence 
>of this exercise was to convey the message that decision-making is based 
>on personal preference rather than what is right or wrong.  
>Additionally, continuing to use ³Warriors and Squaws² has caused many of 
>us to feel that by our silence, we are giving our tacit approval to a 
>practice which we find morally wrong.  We are finding it increasingly 
>difficult to live with such a feeling of hypocrisy, that is, the idea 
>that we teach tolerance and acceptance of all people, while perpetuating 
>a stereotype which demeans Native Americans through our continued use of 
>the Erwin mascot.
>       Although we acknowledge that no harm or disrespect was ever intended to 
>be directed toward Native Americans, we also recognize that to use any 
>group of human beings as mascots encourages and perpetuates 
>stereotypical depictions of those people.  We believe that if we truly 
>desire to honor Native Americans, we would refrain from using likenesses 
>of them or objects often associated with their sacred ceremonies and 
>       Unfortunately, even on a national level, when research is conducted on 
>the topic of racism in schools, the names ³Clyde A. Erwin High School² 
>and ³Buncombe County Schools² surface.  We have an opportunity to be 
>recognized instead as an example of a school system that made a 
>conscious decision on its own to promote a genuine spirit of respect for 
>all cultures and all people.
>       In that spirit, we, as members of the faculty of Erwin High School 
>would like to encourage the Buncombe County Board of Education to act 
>courageously and honorably by effecting a change of mascot at Erwin High 
>School, not because it is the politically correct thing to do, but 
>because, quite simply, it is the correct thing to do.
          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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