And now:Sonja Keohane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

        Any who have been following the YNP bison issue and it's connection
to the federal grazing leases in the area, will be interested in these

        The feds charge Montana cattlemen (welfare cowboys) $1.37 AUM
(animal unit/month) for the grazing leases around YNP.

        Look what other people are paying:

         "Until now, tribal members were paying about $7 per AUM for their
allotted grazing land. They charged non-Indian ranchers $16.50 to $22.
Amendments passed in March raised the rates paid by tribal members to

Tribe cuts off non-Indian ranchers from Blackfeet grazing land

BROWNING (AP) - Some Montana ranchers accustomed to grazing their cattle on
the Blackfeet Indian Reservation are having to look elsewhere because of a
new tribal policy.

The Blackfeet Tribe has made 500,000 to 600,000 acres of reservation land
off limits to livestock owned by people outside the tribe. The purpose is
to make land available to Indian ranchers and help their businesses thrive,
tribal officials said.
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