"John E Hussman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> WROTE::
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 22:48:35 -0600

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Nearly all of the electricity, our Reservation's radio station, most of the
telephone service from Kyle to Pine Ridge and up through Oglala is now out.
Water pressure in Pine Ridge, Kyle, and Oglala communities is already

The police department is organizing search parties to search for the
missing. Families who were living in the mobile homes that disappeared are
still unaccounted for. Large spotlights are being used to search the Oglala
Dam. Some of the mobile homes have been blown out into the lake.

I don't think the extent of damage will be known for several days.

Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 08:16:36 -0600
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There are still two families in Oglala unaccounted for. Both families were in mobile homes that were destroyed by the tornadoes. Floyd Brings Plenty and his family as well as a young mother with two small children. Electricity is now restored to the communities from Kyle to Oglala and Pine Ridge. Police have restricted travel in the Oglala area to family members and residents only. The Oglala Store was destroyed and the store owner (Calvin Ghost Bear) also lost his mobile home.
In Kyle, St Barnabas Church was damaged and two mobile homes in the area were destroyed.
Two houses in Manderson were damaged by tornadoes as well.
This is in addition to the destruction that I reported last night.
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 08:27:50 -0600
Current information on Oglala from the Chief of Police Stanley Star Comes Out:
22 people injured
1 fatality
4mobile homes destroyed
4frame houses destroyed
extensive damage to most houses in the community areas.
Tornado damage is virtually Reservation wide. Police are still searching for missing people. Travel is still restricted in the Oglala area. Volunteer help is now being solicited on KILI Radio.
Also added to communities suffering tornadoe damage are Slim Buttes and Sharps Corner. Governor Bill Janklow is enroute to Oglala to join federal and Tribal officials to assess damages and determine what help will be available. Food and temporary shelter is being given to affected families by Pine Ridge School, which has dormitories for residential students and by the State of South Dakota.

Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 09:03:36 -0600
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Floyd Brings Plenty and family were found and transported to Rapid City Regional for medical treatment. The count of mobile homes destroyed in the Oglala area is now up to twenty. FEMA and the Red Cross are now on the scene and National Guard helicopters will soon begin making flyovers searching for missing people and helping to locate damaged dwellings. Anyone missing relatives are asked to contact the Police Department. Golden West Telephone has set up emergency telephone service in Oglala. District Commanders are beginning to assess damages in other Reservation communities.
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          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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