And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Sun, 04 Jul 1999 11:33:23 -0500
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (justanoldman)
Subj: Residential schools - THE book

  Newsgroup: alt.native

  In Canada, the most august & 'heavy' type of government inquiry is called
a Royal Commission. To American readers, a comparison might be made with a
Joint House Special Investigation Committee with St. Peter himself sitting
in the Chair.
  The biggest & most recent Royal Commission in Canada's history has been
the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP). Costing 100's of
millions of dollars, it was co-chaired by De'ne' Nation member George
Erasmus & took the better part of this decade to research the status of
the First Peoples in what is currently called Canada. Every aspect of life
was given in-depth examination & analysis. Every Indian, Inuit or Metis
individual or group that had something to contribute was given the
opportunity to state their case, & the RCAP travelled millions of miles
across Canada, the biggest country in the world (for now). When the Final
Report was submitted to Parliament a couple of years ago it's twenty (20)
volumes stood over 4 feet in height. (website version is still available
from Govt of Canada sites).
  But other than a few cosmetic dog & pony shows for the benefit of the UN
Human Rights Committee's benefit, the Canadian government has ignored
RCAP's recommendations. "So what else is new?" you might ask. Not much,
except that this past week something came out of that tremendous research
  You see, one of the things that the RCAP had to deal with, the most
bitter of the poisons that continue to cripple the Nations, was/is the
"soft-genocidal" technique of  choice invented by the colonialist
governments, now known as residential school policy & practice. The person
who was mandated by the RCAP to carry out the secondary research on this
issue (ie, the archival/documentary research, as opposed to primary
research interviewing its victims/perpetrators) is a man named John
  Professor Milloy teaches History & Native Studies courses at Trent
University here in Ontario. He spent about 4 years sifting through the
archives of the predator-governments & their accomplices in this horror of
ethnic-cleansing, the christian churches/cults. The research encompasses a
period from 1879, when the wholesale destruction of the Nations via the
schools became official policy, until 1986, when the last of these
genocidal operations was finally closed.
  Now John Milloy has published those findings in a 404-page book that was
released here in Canada this week. It's title is, "A National crime: The
Canadian Government & the Residential School System, 1879-1986". The
publisher is University of Manitoba Press & it currently retails at
$55/$25 Cdn.
  I have bought a copy, but I'm pretty sure that this one will sit on my
shelf for some years yet until I crack it open. And if I do open it, I'm
certain that I won't be able to read more than 2-4 pages at a sitting.
Because.., it is a book full of demons, the very demons that have
tormented & tortured me, & HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF OTHERS, every single
minute of every day and every night, for all of our lives.
  I tremble like a sick dog as I write this, just thinking about the
contents of this book. I would rather be doing anything else, I'd rather
think about anything else than this topic, & I have faced 2 wars &
skid-rows & solitary cells in prison with less emotion than is evoked in
me by the demons in this book. Over the past 20-30 years I have read
almost every archive & record that Professor Milloy examined & analyzed.
Residential school has left the deepest & most horrible scars on me, & one
every single person in my family from grandparents to grandchildren. It is
one of the 2-3 Yesterplaces that I try to avoid at any cost, & which
haunts me every minute of my life. But I still force myself to think about
& write about this topic again, so that I could bring it here, to urge you
to buy & read this book (or try to read it, if you are the sons or
daughters of one of the true-Nations of this land).
  This book's scholarly & objective approach, & the incredibly thorough
research with full citation of all sources, makes it the most
authoritative work ever done on this topic. And it should be made
mandatory reading for every single literate non-Native North American. It
presents the UNDENIABLE fact: that apart from the instances of sexual,
physical, emotional & spiritual torture inflicted, the biggest crime
against humanity was the establishment & operation of the schools
themselves. (see following article I post, "The Oblates Apology of 91",
for the admission to this crime, clearly a Crime Against Humanity by legal
definition). The primary purpose of the establishment & maintenance of the
residential schools for Indians & Inuit, clearly & repeatedly
stated/recorded in hundreds of government & church documents, was the
total & complete obliteration of the First Peoples in Canada from the face
of the earth.
  And reading this book may especially benefit a few certain young urban
dwellers who are so disdainful of the sacrifices that were made by their
families/Nations, just so that they could be who they are. Let them read
this & then try to imagine their parents & grandparents writhing in
agonies as painful as flames, let them think about the minds & hearts, the
values & religions & philosophies of the pseudo-humans that inflicted such
terror & horrors so ruthlessly, so piously, so inhumanely. Do they still
aspire to be part of a culture, a society that initiated & carried out
these crimes? Crimes of systematic genocide that makes Milosovic's actions
in Kosovo pale to the likes of a Sunday school picnic by comparison...
  After reading this book, maybe some will stand on this land, on these
bones of their ancestors with perhaps some inkling of the bonds that are
forever. Then, perhaps, they will begin to feel what it is to be a part of
a true-Nation of this land, as a finger is part of a hand. Then,
perhaps.., they will give thanks for the invisible sea of tears & blood
that nurtures their own roots, of their family in the family-of-family
that is their Nation.
  Who knows? In reading this book such people may even learn the real
meaning of respect.., and dignity.
Reprinted under the fair use
doctrine of international copyright law.
          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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