And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Subject: Peltier support during Clinton's visit
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 19:59:06 -0500
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July 8, 1999

Pine Ridge Residents Show Their Support For Leonard Peltier During Clinton’s

During president Clinton’s visit to the Lakota Pine Ridge Reservation
yesterday, many local people voiced their concern for Leonard Peltier.  A
huge, yellow banner stating, “IT’S 1999 WHY IS LEONARD PELTIER STILL IN
PRISON?” hung in clear view for Clinton’s arrival. Many held FREE PELTIER
signs and chanted “Free Leonard Peltier” during pauses in Clinton’s speech.
A member of the tribal council presented President Clinton  with a copy of
Prison Writings, My Life Is My Sun Dance and a letter from Leonard himself.
At least two people shook hands with Clinton and asked him when he was going
to free Peltier. The AP press covered the story and included a picture of
the Peltier supporters with their signs and a caption stating, “Protesters
in Pine Ridge, S.D., called for President Clinton to free Leonard Peltier,
imprisoned for the shootings of two FBI agents in 1975.”  Reuters made
mention of the shoot out in their story and referred to Leonard Peltier as
an “ international cause celebre.”  The Lincoln Journal Star of Nebraska
included the visible support for Peltier during the Clinton visit in their
story as well.

Edgar Bear Runner announced Clinton’s visit at the recent June 25-27 Leonard
Peltier Organizing Conference and asked for supporters to come to Pine Ridge
if possible.  Some from Nebraska and even as far as Texas went to Pine Ridge
to support these efforts.  At the end of Clinton’s speech Edgar yelled, “In
the name of Justice and Human Rights, Free Leonard Peltier!”  Leonard asks
us to express his thanks and love for this effort.

According to Bear Runner, Senator Tom Daschle, who signed the recent
transfer of Lakota land to the state of South Dakota and accompanied
Clinton, was booed and received little applause from the people in
attendance. Jesse Jackson was given a Free Peltier button and when asked
what he would do to help Leonard, he replied, “whatever I can.”


Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
PO Box 583
Lawrence, KS 66044

Reprinted under the fair use
doctrine of international copyright law.
          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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