And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

17th WGIP 7/28/99


Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization

Monitor Working Group on Indigenous Populations

17th Session 26 July 30 July

31: Chair Mrs. E. Daes: Gave the floor to Ka Lhui Hawai'I Keali'I 'olu' olu
Gora, Hawaii.

32: Ka Lhui Hawai'i/Keali'I 'olu' olu Gora, Hawaii: The foremost human and
civil rights denied to Hawaiians by the United States is that of
self-determination. The American government, through the State of Hawaii,
violated the International Covenant on Civil and Political Right and
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the UN
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Ka Lahui Hawai'i in its
work to date has chosen to develop a culturally appropriate "separate
system of self-government" which incorporates Hawaiian values and
traditions and which sets forth the "cultural jurisdiction" of the Hawaiian
Nation. The policies of the state of Hawai'i are designed to curtail rights
as designed in US Apology law.

33: Chair Mrs. E. Daes: Gave the floor to Mr. Michael Eckford/ Sovereign
Union (First Nations Peoples), Australia

34. Mr Michael Eckford, Sovereign Union (First Nations Peoples), Australia:
He said he wanted to change tactics and reminded the forum of the right to
be free from oppression. Where a state is oppressive, people can determine
their independence. The UN is there to maintain world peace. President
Woodrow Wilson presented a 14 point strategy to the UN with the purpose of
maintaining peace. Included in this strategy was a clause ensuring a fair
and equal treatment of indigenous peoples and minorities. The strategy was
not passed due to the opposition of the UK resulting from pressure by
Australia and New Zealand. On Nov 30 1995 ECOSOC ruled that the right to
self determination is adequately dealt with in article one of the UN
charter. Why then is the CHR vehemently opposing all work on the Draft
Declaration? I need not remind the WG of the verdicts of the ICJ and the
European Court of HR in the cases of Western Sahara and Ceyland vs. Turkey.
In both cases the Sovereign Rights of IP were upheld to be a mtter of fact
and law. The UN should grant indigenous peoples their rights. Why do we
permit racially-discriminatory language and rights between us and others,
that is the term 'populations' and not 'peoples'.

35: Chair Mrs. E. Daes: Said that the next to speakers on the list Ms.
Talkallie Mohamed/ Tin Hinan and were absent. She gave the floor to John
MacNab/ Rohoboth Community of Namibia

36: John MacNab/ Rohoboth Community of Namibia: Informed the participants
that one of his fellow delegates passed away on the way to this meeting. In
his speech he pointed out the suffering and despair of the Rehoborth people
in Namibia at present. He expressed his pride at the achievment of free and
fair municipal elections in 1998. However, he underligned that the new
authorities were being penalised as the previous council had not passed on
to the water providers (Namwater) the service dues that they had collected.
For this reason 50% of the water supply had been cut off, including that of
schools, hospitals etc. This was creating an unbearable situation which was
discrediting the present authorities. This behaviour is in line with a
decade of harrassment of the Rehoboth community. He stated that the
Namibian government policy in respect to its indigenous populations
infringed UN Declaration on the rights of IP and most of the provisions of
the ILO-Convention on IP. He urged the UN to take the necessary steps to
see that this unacceptable situation is halted and that its concerns are
made known to the Namibian government and the relevant bodies of the UN

37: Chair Mrs. E. Daes: Offered condolences to the friends and family Mr.
MacNab's colleague. She then gave the floor to Kaori Tahara / Ainu
association of Sapporo, Japan

38: Kaori Tahara/ Ainu association of Sapporo, Japan: Stated that it was
the 100th anniversary of the enforcement of the Hokkaido Former Aborigines
Protection Act, which aimed to assimilate Ainu people into Japanese
society. She maintained that by aboloshing the Protection act and enforcing
the Act for the Promotion of the Ainu culture in 1997, that it had solved
all the problems of the Ainu people. This is not the reality she saw. She
mentioned that the Hokkaido government had not attempted to solve problems
which the Ainu Association had long been pointing out. Although it had
organised for surveys of the living conditions of the Ainu people, it had
assigned the task of interviewing to the Ainu Association without providing
sufficient resources for the Association to carry this task out in a
significant manner. She demanded that the survey be improved to show the
true living conditions of the Ainu, including by looking at the living
conditions of the Ainu living in urban areas. She hoped that this would
motivate the next Hokkaido Ainu Welfare measures.

39: Chair Mrs. E. Daes: Gave the floor to Mr Joseph Ole Karia/ Maa
Development Association. Mr Joseph Ole Karia didn't speak. She then gave
the floor to Mr. Amer Arouri/ Law Society Palestine.

40: Mr. Amer Arouri/ Law Society Palestine: Stated that lots of ethnic
tribes had been displaced by Israeli activity, notably the B. tribe. The
main displacements tok place in 1950 and 1987. The Bedouin tribe were moved
somewhere near Jerusalem. The Law Society, Palestine offers assistance to
displaced families 300metres from an Israeli rubbish bin.. He stated that
Palestinian Bedouins suffer from Israeli ethnic cleansing and confiscation
of land. There are lots of them in the C Zone, which is subject to Israeli
military activity and according to the Oslo agreements between the PLO and
the Israelis. He highlighted that the Israelis are spreading settlements.
20,000 people living off animal husbandry and cannot benefit from basic
services - health, vet and there is no framework in which to organise
themselves. His organisation offers assistance to the Bedouins to help them
improve their situation. The Bed were to help the organisation to determine
measures to improve the situation, especially in Zone C. The Law Society,
Palestine wishes to defend the Bedouin cause and stand up to Israel which
seeks to expel them. A Conference on the issue will be held in June 2000.
Mr. Arouri invited the participants to attend.

41: Chair Mrs. E. Daes: Gave the floor to the secretariat, represented by
Mr. Julian Burger

42: The Secretary, Mr. J. Burger: Informed the participants that a meeting
would be held between 6:00 -7:30 on Monday evening in Room 22 where
representatives from the Caucaus could meet with the WG to discuss ideas.
There is a meeting also with the Chairperson/Rapporteur to be held on
Wednesday afternoon between 3-6. The room would be announced later. He
further explained that there was an exhibition on 3rd Level supported by
the Australian governement and (Rio Tinto?) on the subject of mining. He
finally, reminded participants to hand in the pink registration form to the

43: Chair Mrs. E. Daes: Adjourned the meeting.

The 1999 UNPO Monitor is produced by the following volunteers:

Dborah Robledo - Ilaria Canali - Ferran S. - Fiona Glen - Annabel Maupas

UNPO Contact addresses:

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