And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

originally sent by Larry Kibby to Paths-L
Update: Nev. wildfires burn 500 square miles 

RENO, Nev. (AP) - Firefighters from across the country on Thursday attacked scores of 
lightning-sparked fires that have blackened nearly 500 square miles of Nevada range, 
threatening ranches and burning closer to homes. No injuries were reported and only 
one structure - a storage shed - was destroyed. Extra help was especially needed in 
the north-central part of the state, where flames threatened a housing subdivision 
near Battle Mountain and historic buildings in an old mining town. The estimated 78 
fires - which have burned an area about a third the size of Rhode Island - were 
sparked by more than 8,000 lightning strikes in Nevada during a 12-hour period 
Wednesday. See full story
Sent  by:
Larry Kibby

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