And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Sat, 7 Aug 1999 14:15:02 EDT
Subject: Mendota Update

Dear Friends, I'm just writing a quick update to night as I am very tired. 
Today 8 people were arrested for locking down at the state capital rotunda.
  This was a independent action and the Mendota people and others in the
coalition heard about this pretty much by watching the news tonight.  There
was also a 49 nine year old man arrested a few days ago, and no one seems
to know who he is. I would like to some day thank him for doing something
that his heart must have lead him to do.  We held another rally today and
we have joined in a coalition with some activists from the north side of
the city who have been trying to get the city of Minneapolis to address
affordable housing issues. Affordable housing is being torn down at a
faster pace than new affordable housing is being built. This is taking
place on the northern end of the same Highway 55 that we have been  trying
so desperately to stop the rerouting of on the south end. Isn't it amazing
that our government is willing to spend millions upon millions of dollars
for a road that almost nobody wants, and the working poor of the city are
living on the streets or in shelters. Where are the elected DFLer's that
dominate the politics of the city's priorities?  Please continue to do all
that you can, you are making a difference.  Pidamiya, Love Linda 

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           Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                      Unenh onhwa' Awayaton
            UPDATES: CAMP JUSTICE    

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