And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Subject:      Unity Ride August Agenda
<+>=<+>KOLA Newslist<+>=<+>

Date: Sun, 08 Aug 1999 15:53:38 -0600
From: Adell Kinsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Peace Treaty Unity Ride 1999

United Earth Nations
P.O. Box 126
Gardiner, MT 59030
Fax 406-587-5998

One People, One Nation
111 S. Grand Ave. #104
Bozeman, Mt.   59715


First of all... WELCOME ALL RIDERS !!!!

A Pipe Ceremony will start this years event on June 12, 1999 in Gardiner, Montana. (We 
will travel from North Yellowstone Mt. to Hopi Nation Arizona) Everyone is welcome to 
come and join us on this SPIRITUAL JOURNEY.

These rides began with the Chief Sitting Bull and Chief Bigfoot memorial rides, held 
on December 15th through the 29th, 1986-1989. Next came the Wiping of the Tears / 
Mending the Sacred Hoop Ride in 1990. These riders were foretold through visions and 
dreams of several red men who dreamed that the mending of the sacred hoop was at hand, 
and it was time to prepare the sacred Seventh generation. The prophecies of the Elders 
was, that it would take seven Generations, (our Children and Grandchildren), before 
the sacred hoop would be mended. That time is near.

The Sitting Bull and Bigfoot Riders completed their sacred rides with the Wopila Ride 
held in Dec. 1992. At that time members of the seventh Generation of the Lakota, 
Dakota and Nakota were given the vision to ride into Canada to meet their relatives 
who have been living there for the past hundred years or more.

The purpose of this was to fulfil the prophecies of the Elders and to reunite the RED 
NATIONS. These Spiritual Rides became known as the UNITY RIDES.

The first Unity Ride started in 1993 at the Medicine Rock located on the Standing Rock 
Sioux Reservation in North Dakota. They proceeded north four hundred miles to the 
BirdTail Dakota Reserve in Manitoba, Canada. This Spiritual Ride was the first time in 
over a hundred years that Lakota Nakota and Dakota rode north into Canada since the 
return of Chief Sitting Bull in 1881. Two weeks later the Unity ride rode South to the 
Rosebud Sioux Reservation in South Dakota, for a total of three hundred miles.

The second Unity Ride, in 1994, started at Rosebud Lakota Reservation in South Dakota, 
and proceeded North one thousand miles to the Pheasant Rump Nakota Reservation in 
Saskatchewan, Canada. Riders from the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota were joined by riders 
from the Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikarar, Chippewa, and Ojibway/Cree Nations. This was the 
first time in hundreds of years that these Nations have united and rode together as 
foretold through Dreams and Prophecies.

The third Unity Ride, in 1995, started at Pheasant Rump Nakota Reserve and ended 
approximately five hundred miles later at Wahpeton Dakota Reserve in Prince Albert, 
Saskatchewan, Canada.

The fourth Unity Ride in 1996 started at Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada, and 
headed south to Sacred Grey Buffalo Horn Butte, Wyoming, in conjunction with the WORLD 
PEACE AND PRAYER DAY, fourteen hundred miles.

The Unity Riders completed their Woplia Ride in 1997 from Green Grass, South Dakota to 
the BirdTail Dakota Reserve, Manitoba, Canada, one thousand miles.

In 1998, Treaty Unity Ride started on the Standing Rock Dakota Reservation to reaffirm 
the 1851-1868 treaties.

The 1999 ride will begin at North Yellowstone, Gardiner, Montana, and proceed east 
through Bear Tooth Pass to Crow Agency, Montana.

Tatanta Chante

"I am going to venture, that the man who sat on the ground in his
Tipi, meditating on life, and its meaning accepting the kinship of all
creatures and acknowledging unity with the Universe of things, was
infusing into his Being the true essence of Civilization."
(1868?-1939 ) Chief Standing Bear
Oglala Sioux Chief


Having the greatest respect for Natural Law and feeling honored
to participate in this event. To participate with the Elders in Prayers
& Ceremonies that will be held along this Spiritual ride. We are
absolutely forbidding any alcohol, drugs or fire arms. Each day of this
spiritual journey is filled with prayers and songs, "and should be
thought of as a ceremony in itself". All along this journey we are
to be riding through sacred sites old campsites etc. So keep your
thoughts good ones and be aware that the person riding next to you
in prayer. The road maybe hard at times, but keep an open mind and a
good heart. Try to sacrifice without complaint and remember that humor
is contagious and encouraged. This ride is the first step in getting
people to unite in spirituality.


There is a few things that should be stated due to the length of this
Conditioning of the horse makes it a lot easier on the horse and
the rider. The horse will have shoes. ( gravel roads, rough terrain,
etc.) Everyone is responsible for their own horse. Feeding, watering,
graining, grooming, along the way. Anyone with stallions has to be more
attentive to insure the safety of other horses and riders. Because we
are crossing different nations and state boundaries the horse will need
a blood test (Coggins) which is good for six months. Your local
veterinarian can do the test.
What you bring in you bring out.
Here is a short list of some of the things you may need:
* Warm clothing
* Rain gear
* Tent or canvas bedroll
* Sleeping bag
* Mess kit (plate, bowl, fork spoon knife, etc.)
* Shaving kit (tooth brush, paste, etc.)
* Soap & towel
* Swimming trunks

All my relations,
Tatanta Chante


To: All Nations, Organizations, Groups and individuals interested in
coming together to assist in finding a peaceful solution to the
mismanagement problems of the Yellowstone Buffalo and to form Unity
among all Nations.

From: Unity Riders and One People, One Nation
Date: June 7,1999
Re: Unity and Peace among All Nations, in finding solutions to the
management of the Yellowstone Buffalo

On May 20-21,1999 the Yellowstone National Parks sponsored a meeting of
Nations to discuss the management of the Yellowstone Buffalo Herd.
Nations were invited to present their views and to come to the table in
a peaceful manner. Many people had many different views, however, we
had one thing in common...the future of the Yellowstone Buffalo.

On June 2,1999 a healing sweat was conducted on the Yellowstone River
just North of Gardnier, Montana. Many prayers were sent to assist us in
finding the direction we should take to bring Nations together
surrounding the issues of the Yellowstone Buffalo.

On June 3,1999, Gary Silk (Unity Riders) and Gloria Wells-Norlin,
(One People, One Nation,) began the process of bringing the two
Organizations into one. We looked for the issues we had in common and
how we could bring Nations together in a peaceful manner. We shared the
hopes and visions for our Children, Our Elders and our Buffalo.

One June 12, 1999 the Unity Riders will leave Gardnier, Montana, at
approx. 10:00, A.M. to begin the 1999 Unity Ride. On June 20,1999, the
Riders will be at the Big Medicine Lodge at Crow to offer a pipe to
Sundance Chief, Larsen Medicine Horse.

Our goals for the first leg of this ride is to have as many nations
represented at the Big Medicine Lodge as possible to enable One People,
One Nation and the Unity Riders to give presentation and information on
the issues surrounding the Yellowstone Buffalo.

While we realize this is very short notice, we trust that those who
are able to attend are the People we need to share our
information with at that time.

We have attached an agenda for the Unity Rides, in the event you are
unable to attend this first meeting, there will be many more for your
consideration. It is so very important that you support the Riders and
therefore bring about change for the Yellowstone Buffalo.

For more information please contact One People, One Nation
or Unity Riders at 406-848-7944.
Leave a message and we will return your call.

Donations can be mailed to 111 South Grand Ave., Bozeman, Mt. 59715


We are happy to provide a drug and alcohol free environment!


June 4, 1999

Subject: Unity Ride 1999

Dear Chairman Wyan Tayor Jr;

They call me ( Buffalo Heart ) Tatanta Chante. We have been riding for
Unity for the past 12 years. It was brought out that its our
responsibility as care takers of Mother Earth. We follow the Creator's
Natural Law, in Healing and Unity. We rode many rides north to unite
people. We ride in prayer for all nations to unite as one people. It's
hard journey on horse back, but we are riding for unity for all nations
to help stop the destruction of Mother Earth. We ride strong for the
children and unborn yet to come. We will not forget the past but
complete the circle by riding so we can have a better world. Our only
hope is through restoring balance through healing ourselves and Mother
Earth, so we can in-turn help others heal themselves. We all have the
same message in a simple way. The time is now to talk about these
to the people. We speak one language. We are all human beings. We can
bring peace and justice in a peaceful way by doing these rides, It's
time that human beings work together and think about Unity. It will
create self purification and purify Mother Earth as well. These stories
have been past down through centuries. It talks about a time when the
Buffalo People emerged from the Wind Cave in Black Hills, South Dakota.
The story tells when the two legged and the four legged had a race
around the Black Hills. The two legged won and from that time on the
Buffalo helped us to survive. So we follow the Buffalo, it became a way
of life to us. The Hopi say, "Take care of this world through prayer,
meditation, ceremony, and fasting".  By performing ceremonies to
balance, there will be a gentle rain. Grass and flowers will grow
strong, butterflies and birds will come. That's the future we are
to hold onto. These rides have served to reunite the scattered bands
the different nations which had previously been enemies, and to awaken
the ancient sacred sites and tie their power together into a net of
lively natural law. These rides have brought the people a greater
awareness of who they are and the importance that each individual holds
for keeping a balance between man and all parts of nature. These rides
have been especially important for the youth. It seems to be of
importance that the native nations now move to take their rightful
among the family of nations of the world.

All my relations,

Tatanta Chante


Agenda for August
1st - Andes, SD - Santee, NE

3rd - Santee, NE - Randolph, NE

4th - 5th, Randolph, NE - Winnebago, NE

6th - Winnebago, NE - Oakland, NE

7th - Oakland, NE - Fremont, NE Lake Recreation Area

8th - Fremont, NE Lake Recreation Area - Columbus, NE

9th - Columbus, NE - Kenland City, NE
10th - 11th - Kenland City, NE - Grand Island, NE
12th - Grand Island, NE - Kearney, NE
13th - Kearney, NE - Lexington, NE
14th - Lexington, NE - Gothenburg, NE
15th - Gothenburg, NE - North Platte, NE
16th - 17th, North Platte, NE - Ogallala, NE
18th - Ogallala, NE - Ovid, CO
19th - Ovid, CO - Sterling, CO
20th - Sterling, CO - Fort Morgan, CO


What you can do to help: We need donations for gas,
food, and horse feed.  Also, a 6 x 14 horse trailer is
needed for the Unity Rides.


For more information and updates on the Peace Treaty Unity Ride go to
the Sun Singer web site at

Adell Kinsman


Reprinted under the Fair Use doctrine 
of international copyright law.
           Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                      Unenh onhwa' Awayaton
            UPDATES: CAMP JUSTICE    

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