And now:[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

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Subject: Colombia: Letter from the U'wa People
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 18:27:19 -0400
From: The Sovereign U'wa Indigenous Pueblo - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: The National and International Community

Cubar, Colombia, September 21, 1999

In an ironic move that injures our most highly esteemed historic and ancestral rights, 
Colombia's Minister of the Environment Juan Mayr has issued an environmental license 
which will allow the multinational oil company, Occidental of Colombia (Oxy), to begin 
drilling activities at the Gibraltar 1 well, located in the municipal ity of Toledo in 
the department of Northern Santander.

This action once again reveals how the rule of law inscribed in our Constitution, 
which is supposed to procure social well being, is subsumed by a higher order of 
decrees and norms which serve local and transnational special interests. These 
interests not only threaten our ways of thinking and living, which are an inspiration 
for future generations of the world, but they also restrict our capacity to protect 
our people.

We believe our fundamental and internationally recognized human and environmental 
rights are under attack. Today, we declare the beginning of a permanent and 
irreversible struggle to assure the protection of our rights and respect for our 
cause, which is the cause of the entire world, and not the cause of a select group, as 
the Colombian government claims. We will employ all means necessary, drawing on 
already present international solidarity, to accomplish this.

Similarly, we would like to make it known that, through a shady process which was 
conducted without full consultation, we were called to negotiate the terms of our 
territory, which historical circumstances wrested from our community. With good faith, 
we attem pted to secure our legitimate right to this land, but on a parallel path, the 
Minister of the Environment and his closest aids, deciding that economic interests 
have the right to pilfer and destroy Mother Earth, have taken unprecedented measures 
that threaten our struggle for identity, sovereignty and self-determination.

The legal arguments which Occidental has used to present the environmental and social 
impact assessment in question are not justified. We denounce these irregularities, 
because many aspects of the assessment were not reviewed by or even submitted for 
consideration to the traditional indigenous authorities, the peasant communities or 
other local authorities. This omission as we kno w and understand it represents an 
attack on the process of citizen participation and on the procurement of collective 
rights in Colombia.

In economic terms, the government and the company claim they will bring progress to 
our region, falsely implying that we are plagued by ignorance and absolute poverty. 
They claim drilling and extracting crude oil will bring widespread development to this 
area. We do not accept these claims: This kind of investment, given the situation of 
conflict, will not bring social progress; it will only exacerbate the already 
escalating levels of violence and disrupt our community's livelihood and cultural 
traditions, which are inextricably linked to the natural cycles, to farming and to 

The Association of Traditional U'wa Authorities condemns the minister's administrative 
act as illegal and unconstitutional. He violated norms subscribed within Convention 
169 of the International Labor Organization and ratified in Colombia by Law 21 of 1991 
w hich require prior consultation and dispute settlement with indigenous communities. 
Given the high stakes and sensitive nature of these measures for all of the indigenous 
peoples of Colombia, we must be allowed to conduct a thorough legal analysis of every 
de tail of the text of the resolution issuing the environmental license.

The U'wa people request that beginning today, a strong voice of solidarity resonate 
and actions be carried out in defense of our people and of all Colombians. We call out 
to the media, to social institutions and to organizations and government offices whose 
d uty it is to protect the rights of the people, asking all of you to publicly 
accompany us in this process. Only in this way can truth be revealed; only in this way 
can we uncover the lies which some of our public servants spin individually and under 
the auspi ces of the highest government authorities to forfeit the legitimate rights 
of our people.

Signed: Roberto Perez, President of the U'wa Tribal Council of 
Traditional Authorities

League of Indigenous Sovereign Nations of the Western Hemisphere
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