And now:[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 15:09:40 EDT
Subject: High Court To Decide Hawaii Rights

High Court To Decide Hawaii Rights
.c The Associated Press

HONOLULU (AP) - Harold ``Freddy'' Rice sees his family as a microcosm of the islands' 
racially mixed population: Diverse, but not always equal.

Born and raised on the islands, Rice is a white rancher whose great-grandfather was 
governor of Kauai under the last island queen, Lili`uokalani. In Hawaii's melting pot, 
two of his grandchildren are considered Hawaiian - and therefore eligible for special 
state and federal benefits. Three are not.

``What do I tell my grandchildren, that some of them are different? Some are 
privileged, some need assistance, some can't go to (Hawaiians-only) Kamehameha 
Schools?'' Rice said. ``When you see it in your own family it becomes real obvious.''

For the last three years, Rice has been challenging a state law giving Hawaiians 
special race-based voting privileges.

On Wednesday, the 62-year-old rancher will break from tending cattle on his Big Island 
spread to listen to arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Across the country, the arguments have drawn the attention of those on either side of 
the debate involving minority groups and affirmative action.

``The potential implications could be great for all native peoples in the United 
States,'' said Jon Van Dyke, a University of Hawaii constitutional law professor. 
``There's not much logic in differentiating Native Americans from native Hawaiians. So 
if Hawaiians can't be given special rights, it would be hard to justify them for other 
Native Americans.''

Briefs in support of the state have been filed by the National Congress of American 
Indians, the Alaska Native Federation, the Justice Department, and Alabama, 
California, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Oregon.

Supporting Rice were Robert Bork, the conservative commentator and former Supreme 
Court nominee, and The Campaign for a Color-Blind America, a Texas-based organization 
that has backed legal challenges of voting districts drawn on racial lines.

At issue are elections held by the quasi-state Office of Hawaiian Affairs, established 
in 1978 to run a $300 million trust that benefits the islands' estimated 200,000 
residents of Hawaiian blood. The office oversees a wide variety of economic, social, 
health and education programs.

State law says only residents who descend from those islanders living here prior to 
1778, when British Capt. James Cook made the first Western contact, can serve on the 
office's board of nine trustees, or vote in OHA elections.

About 20 percent of the state's population have some Hawaiian blood, according to the 

After being denied a ballot to vote for the board, Rice sued Gov. Ben Cayetano, 
claiming the elections violate the 14th Amendment's guarantees of equal protection and 
the 15th Amendment's guarantees against racial discrimination.

U.S. District Judge David Ezra disagreed, saying Hawaiians enjoy a special trust 
relationship with the federal government that justifies the voting requirements. The 
9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals concurred, saying the voting restriction ``is not 
primarily racial, but legal and political.''

Unlike American Indians, native Hawaiians are not a recognized tribe.

``The Supreme Court has provided Hawaiians with an opportunity to stand tall before 
this nation and demand our rights as the indigenous people of these islands,'' said 
OHA trustee chairwoman Rowena Akana.

To The Campaign for a Color-Blind America, an affirmation of the lower courts' rulings 
could lead to race-based elections in many other states.

``This case could lead to a deprivation of voting rights of large populations in a 
number of states if the declaration of a special relationship with a minority 
population is enough to justify racial discrimination in voting,'' said the group's 
Shannen Coffin.

The Clinton administration, which apologized to Hawaiians in 1993 for U.S. involvement 
in the illegal 1893 overthrow of Queen Lili`uokalani, is backing the state.

AP-NY-10-03-99 1509EDT

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