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Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 19:40:58 EST
Subject: Starving Grizzlies Killed in Canada

Starving Grizzlies Killed in Canada
.c The Associated Press
  VANCOUVER (AP) - Rangers and villagers killed nine grizzly bears on Canada's western 
coast, after large numbers of the animals began foraging in town when their 
traditional supply of salmon dried up, officials said Wednesday.

A mother bear and two cubs were killed Wednesday in the most recent shootings and 
three other bears were airlifted out of the region.

Residents of Oweekeno village on the central British Columbia coast say they have 
never seen so many bears in town, said Tom Gottselig, the fisheries administrator for 
the Oweekeno First Nation, an Indian group.

He blamed the lack of salmon, which make up 70 percent of the bears' diet.

The area, also known as Rivers Inlet, has recorded more than 3 million sockeye salmon 
returning to spawn in past years, Gottselig said. This year's figure was expected to 
be 3,500, he said.

``It's an absolute catastrophe,'' he said.

Conservatioinists blame a history of logging and over-fishing in the area for the 
depleted salmon numbers.

Herb Langin, an Environment Ministry spokesman in nearby Williams Lake, said the bears 
were a threat to the community and unsuitable for relocation.

``It wasn't likely they were going to survive,'' Langin said. ``They didn't have the 
fat reserves that a bear would normally have at that time of year.''

Tom Reimchen, a biologist researching the relationship between bears, called on the 
federal government to take immediate steps to help the salmon stocks recover.

He warned that the problem exists all along the British Columbia coast, threatening 
the ecology and local communities.

AP-NY-11-24-99 1940EST
  Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  

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of international copyright law.
           Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)

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