----- Original Message ----- 
From: Jamie Kneen 
To: Protecting Knowledge list 
Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2013 11:19 AM
Subject: [PK] Anaya: Is natural resource development a blessing, a 'quick-fix, 
' or a curse?

"The reasons for the resource curse frequently boils down to one simple 
problem: this business model does not recognise the rights of the 
indigenous peoples and local communities living on the land in 
question." - United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of 
Indigenous Peoples, James Anaya


Is natural resource development a blessing, a 'quick-fix,' or a curse?
19 September 2013

Geneva, Switzerland - Economic development is widely assumed to bring 
the blessings of higher standards of living and to be a quick fix for 
cash poor countries. However, there are many who look at economic 
development and instead consider it to be a curse in the "global south" 
- South America, Africa, and Asia - and also in parts of the more 
industrialised world where indigenous peoples live.

All too often, development projects consist of a private, multinational 
enterprise working with a national or local government to obtain access 
to a natural resource, extract it, and then transport it elsewhere for 
processing. Residents of the country have access to the extraction jobs 
but processing, manufacturing and other higher-paying jobs that require 
technical skills are cultivated elsewhere. At the same time, profits 
from the project largely do not reach the people who bear the brunt of 
its environmental and health impacts.

Economists have examined countries relying on natural resource exports 
for economic growth found that the higher the reliance, the slower the 
growth. Even worse, this development model often leads to greater 
corruption and inequality. The typical government-business transactions 
that provide access to these resources have been referred to 
collectively as the "resource curse," an oft-cited yet oft-ignored point 
that applies to many different sectors of natural resources, from 
minerals to forest products to raw food staples such as palm oil.

A faulty business model

The reasons for the resource curse frequently boils down to one simple 
problem: this business model does not recognise the rights of the 
indigenous peoples and local communities living on the land in question. 
I am referring to the indigenous inhabitants of the Amazon, for example, 
or other communities like them throughout the world where the 
government's claim ownership of the land and the right to give away the 
resources as they deem best, and too many private enterprises are 
willing to play along.

However, the land is not empty and the communities that are there were 
established generations if not hundreds of years ago. In the case of 
indigenous peoples, their connections to the land invariably have a 
longer history than the government deciding what to do with the land. 
According to the Rights and Resources Initiative, ownership of roughly 
one-half of the global south is contested, directly affecting the lives 
and livelihoods of over two billion people. This is no surprise, since 
over sixty percent of the developing world's forests are administered by 
governments - who all too often give it away for pennies per hectare, 
for the sake of "quick-fix" development.

The tragedy is that resource deals in the developing world often target 
the very people that rely on the land for their survival. They are often 
deprived of their property, the crops that feed their families, and the 
forests and land that support their livelihoods without being fully 
incorporated into the decision-making process.

Deprived of participation and self-determination these folks see their 
forests and fields quickly shorn of forests, biodiversity and wildlife, 
destroying their own hope for meaningful economic development and 
undermining their distinctive cultures.

For an example, consider the push for alternative fuels to help slow 
climate change, which has led to large-scale biofuel plantations. When a 
previously forested landscape is cleared to plant jatropha or other 
biofuel vegetation, emissions result from the industrial clear-cutting 
methods as well as the decomposition of the plants and woods. It takes 
decades for the emissions savings from biofuels to compensate for 
tree-clearing - and if peatland is cleared and drained, it takes 
centuries. This is not sustainable, and it harms the people whose 
material welfare and cultural patterns depend upon the land and its 

Role of the media

As a United Nations investigator, I have travelled the world and seen 
first-hand how these issues play out. Time and time again, I find that 
the attention brought by the spotlight of media coverage keeps all 
stakeholders honest and helps them act in a more responsible and 
sustainable manner.

But what keeps me up at night is when there is no spotlight - where 
resource transactions run roughshod over the people whose very existence 
is seen to stand in the way of progress. Protests, whether through legal 
action or street theatre, have few teeth when they can be disregarded 
without worry. And the transgressions and human rights violations that 
take place in the dark are unfathomable; one estimate found that the 
global rate in which activists were murdered doubled between 2002 and 
2011, and now exceeds two deaths a week.

We as a global society are at a moment, however, where we can turn the 
page and write a new story of development, one in which the blessings of 
the land are shared equitably. The United Nations is leading the 
negotiations for new Sustainable Development Goals, which will guide 
economic development and poverty reduction for the next 15 years. These 
goals should include targets for the recognition of land rights that 
include rights based on traditional use and occupancy; this would direct 
attention and much-needed funding to ensure that economic development 
works to genuinely benefit Indigenous Peoples and the local communities 
that are on the front lines of natural resource exploitation.

Notably, industry, governments, Indigenous Peoples, and civil society 
are starting to work together to shape a shared vision in these 
negotiations. Their coordination - which will be advanced at a strategy 
conference in Interlaken, Switzerland this week - holds the promise to 
answer their shared problems of insecure land rights and contested 

We have always viewed the natural resources of the Earth to be a 
blessing, yet the history of "resource development" on the lands of 
Indigenous Peoples mostly speaks to the paradigm of the resource curse. 
It is time to embrace the land and its bounty like they do, transforming 
development so that all can share in its wealth.

James Anaya is the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of 
Indigenous Peoples. He recently completed a report for the UN Human 
Rights Council on "Extractive Industries and Indigenous Peoples", 
available at http://unsr.jamesanaya.org.



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