From: Ann Louie []
Sent: 10 October 2013 09:58
To: Jody Woods; UBCIC
Subject: RE: URGENT: Chiefs Call on First Nations and Like-minded Organizations 
to Meet or Beat Support

Williams Lake Band contributed $5000.00 to this very important case which has 
the potential to impact the overall specific claims process.  We encourage all 
First Nations to Make a contribution no matter how small or large. This must be 
pursed vigorously by all First Nations who have or may have specific claims.  
There has only been one settlement under this process and this is another way 
for the Federal Government to weasel it’s way out. They put in this process 
under the false pretense that this would be the final binding decision once a 
ruling was made by the Judges, now they are finding another way to challenge 
what they themselves as the Government of the day put in place.

From: Don Bain []
Sent: October-10-13 9:00 AM
Cc: Jody Woods;<>
Subject: URGENT: Chiefs Call on First Nations and Like-minded Organizations to 
Meet or Beat Support
Importance: High

URGENT: Chiefs Call on First Nations and Like-minded Organizations to Meet or 
Beat Support

Despite its public promises that Specific Claims Tribunal decisions would be 
final and represent lasting resolution of specific claims, on March 21, 2013 
Canada applied for an expansive judicial review of the Tribunal's second 
decision: Kitselas First Nation v. Canada, 2013 the outcome of which will 
profoundly impact all First Nations in British Columbia.  Canada is seeking to 
diminish its responsibility as a fiduciary and, if successful in this Judicial 
Review, will greatly limit the scope and level of redress and compensation it 
owes to First Nations with specific claims.

The Union of BC Indian Chiefs is leading a coalition to intervene and urgently 
needs the support of all BC First Nations.

Chief Maureen Chapman, Skawahlook First Nation invites all other First Nations 
and like-minded organisations to meet or beat Skawahlook’s contribution of 
$1,000.00 to ensure that Canada does not walk away from its lawful obligations. 
“We are a small community with a membership less than 100 and are contributing 
to this important work.  It is urgent we do so. Please join us in united 
efforts to elevate the Specific Claims in BC and demand accountability from the 
Governments of BC and Canada.”

Chief Lilliane Squinas from the Lhoosk’uz Dene Nation also calls on BC First 
Nations to meet or beat their contribution of $500.00.  “This is work that we 
supported in our UBCIC 
Resolutions<>. I think 
it is crucial we put that support into action.”

To make a donation of any amount, please send a cheque addressed to Mandell 
Pinder LLP In Trust with the memo note “Kitselas” to:

Mandell Pinder LLP
422 - 1080 Mainland Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 2T4
Union of BC Indian Chiefs
500-342 Water Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 1B6

Or, contact Jody Woods, UBCIC Research Director to make alternate arrangements

For more information, please contact: Jody Woods, Research Director, UBCIC, 
1-800-793-9701,<> or Debbie Abbott, NNTC, 

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