Dear friends of NaviServer,

The updates version of NaviServer contains now improved
support for handling large files. One can now specify to
"ns_http" the parameters "-spoolize" and "-file". When the
retrieved content is larger than spoolsize, then it is
spooled to a temp file and the file name is reported back
to the variable denoted by file (same pattern is used for
other return values as well). This addition makes it
practical to retrieve substantially large files with ns_http
(and ns_ssl) as well without bloating the memory. The
retrieved files can be conveniently be further delivered
via the writer threads. I've made the same changes to
ns_ssl and took the opportunity to made ns_ssl working
with asynchronous I/O, to refactor the code, etc.

With these changes, one can use NaviServer with
reverse-proxy functionality for http and https backends.
The sample script below supports

  - delivery from upstream http and https server
    (spooling of large content)
  - delivery of local content (optionally compressed)
  - obtain statistics via nsstats from the proxy server

The current implementation supports upstream only
HTTP/1.0 (due to the different socket management in Ns_Task)
and has no support for delivering upstream packages
directly to the client. Since upstreams connections are
quite fast and due to spooling this is many applications already
useful. On my local machine, it uses with 50 threads
just 150 MB after startup (due to the tiny blue-print).

The sample script proxy.tcl uses "nsf::proc"
(from to allow for nice
configuration per filter rule. If there is no nsf install,
one can replace it by a simple "proc" and do the
configuration differently...

Best regards
-gustaf neumann

PS: the script requires NaviServer 4.99.6

/usr/local/ns/bin/nsd -f -t  /usr/local/proxy-https/etc/proxy-conf-https.tcl


# Tiny Reverse Proxy
# - deliver from upstream http and https server (spooling of large content)
# - delivery of local content (optionally compressed)
# - obtain statistics via nsstats from the proxy server
#                                               -Gustaf Neumann (June 2013)
# To get feedback from the proxy, we want to execute e.g. nsstats.tcl,
# which is provided in the proxy-admin directory
ns_register_tcl GET /proxy-admin/*.tcl

# Deliver images from the local files
ns_register_filter preauth GET  /img/* proxy::local

ns_register_filter preauth GET  * proxy::upstream -target https://localhost:8443
ns_register_filter preauth POST * proxy::upstream -target 
https://localhost:8443 {-timeout 5:0}

namespace eval ::proxy {

     # Local handler (deliver from disk)
     # Serve the requested content from the server page directory. If
     # the client accepts compressed content, the file is served from a
     # compressed file. If the compressed file does not exist, or is
     # stale, the content is compressed on the fly.
     nsf::proc local { what } {

        set fn [ns_server pagedir]/[ns_conn url]
        if {[file readable $fn]} {
            set mime [ns_guesstype $fn]

            if {[ns_conn zipaccepted] && [ns_set iget [ns_conn headers] Range] 
eq ""} {
                if {![file readable $fn.gz] || [file mtime $fn] > [file mtime 
$fn.gz]} {
                    # compress on the fly (once)
                    exec gzip -9 < $fn > $fn.gz
                if {[file readable $fn.gz]} {
                    set fn $fn.gz
                    ns_set put [ns_conn outputheaders] Vary Accept-Encoding
                    ns_set put [ns_conn outputheaders] Content-Encoding gzip
            ns_respond -file $fn
        } else {
        return filter_break

     # Upstream handler (deliver from a different server)
     # Serve the requested file from an upstream server, which might be
     # an http or https server. NaviServer acts as a reverse proxy
     # server.  Files larger than a certain size (spoolsize) are
     # spooled to a temp file and are delivered asynchronously via the
     # writer threads if configured. Note that we can specify for every
     # filter rule different parameters (e.g. different timeouts).
     nsf::proc upstream { what -target {-timeout 10:0} {-spoolsize 10000}} {

        if {[string match /proxy-admin/*tcl [ns_conn url]]} {
            return filter_ok
        # Assemble URL
        set url $target[ns_conn url]
        set query [ns_conn query]
        if {$query ne ""} {append url ?$query}
        set content [ns_conn content]

        # Update Headers
        set queryHeaders [ns_conn headers]
        ns_set update $queryHeaders X-Forwarded-For [ns_conn peeraddr]

        set http_cmd [expr {[string match https://* $target] ? "ns_ssl" : 

        # Build query for the upstream server
        set cmd $http_cmd
        lappend cmd queue \
            -method [ns_conn method] \
            -headers $queryHeaders \
            -timeout $timeout
        if {$content ne ""} {lappend cmd -body $content}
        lappend cmd $url

        set handle [{*}$cmd]
        # Build reply headers
        set replyHeaders [ns_set create]
        ns_set update $replyHeaders X-Processed Naviserver

        # Wait for results
        $http_cmd wait -result R -headers $replyHeaders -status S -spoolsize 
$spoolsize -file F $handle

        if {[info exists F]} {
            ns_log notice "Spooled [file size $F] bytes to $F"
            ns_respond -status $S -headers $replyHeaders -file $F
            file delete $F
        } else {
            ns_respond -status $S -headers $replyHeaders -binary $R
        return filter_break

# Configuration for https reverse proxy
# (upstream https)
ns_section ns/server/default
#ns_param       minthreads      30
#ns_param       maxthreads      30

ns_section      "ns/server/default/modules"
ns_param        nssock
ns_param        nssssl

ns_section      "ns/server/default/module/nssock"
ns_param        port            9002
ns_param        writerthreads   10

ns_section      "ns/server/default/module/nssssl"
ns_param        port            9443
ns_param        certificate     /usr/local/oacs-head/openacs-4/etc/server.pem
ns_param        ciphers         

# Place for local file deliveries
ns_section ns/server/default/fastpath
ns_param        serverdir       /usr/local/proxy-https/

# Place for Tcl libraries to load for proxy
ns_section ns/server/default/tcl
ns_param        library         /usr/local/proxy-https/tcl

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