Dear Tregers and Nebers

I am sure that most of you are familiar with the EN/UL 60950 requirement for 
isolation between TNV circuits and SELV circuits.

If we define the DC power circuits as TNV-2 or SELV (as allowed by the third 
edition of IEC60950), than we need Basic isolation between the power circuits 
and the TNV1/3 circuits.

This isolation between TNV1/3 and the DC power source can be waived as long as 
there is Permanent bonding to earth of the SELV/TNV-2 and the TNV-1 circuit.

Now to the problem…… 

TNV-1/3 circuits must be a floating circuits. This means they cannot be earthen 
by definition. In T1/E1 circuits there is ground provided through a central tap 
of the T1/E1 transformer. Can such a circuit be considered "bonded to earth 

Since the E1/T1 does not seem to be truly bonded to earth than Basic insulation 
will be required. And much of the T1/E1 circuits residing in central offices 
and applying DC voltages to the T1/E1 (wetting current) is NON compliant?!?



Ilan Cohen
Manager, Telecom Division
26 Hacharoshet St, POB 211, Or Yehuda, Israel.
Tel 972-3-5339022, Fax 972-3-5339019, website: 

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