
        -40VDC to -56.7VDC rings a bell.  I believe I got the -40VDC (1
minute soak) as a worst case from the SBC TP76200MP document and the 56.7 is
standard based on +5% of the -54VDC C.O. float voltage.  I believe you'll
also find the 56.7 value in SBC's doc as well.  I can't say I can recall any
other specs off the top of my head that go outside of these ranges, but
someone else may be able to cite another standard.  I shoot for -40 to -60.



-----Original Message-----
From: jmur...@quantumbridge.com [mailto:jmur...@quantumbridge.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 2:41 PM
To: nebs@world.std.com
Subject: 48Vdc tolerance

Has anybody any information on the required operating range for equipment
with respect to -48Vdc power?  I'm looking for Telcordia requirements
outside of the NEBS requirements that apply.



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