Today's topics:

* OT: Google postings (was: Re: Java method) - 1 messages, 1 author
* (OT) Re: Using hobby source code in your job ? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Can Java Programmer Learn C++ Quickly? - 3 messages, 3 authors
* Sockets - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Delete a panel inside a panel - 3 messages, 3 authors
* How to restrict direct access to JSP files, only allow access via servlet? - 
1 messages, 1 author
* Is there any java method which do the following function? - 3 messages, 3 
* Auto submit Struts form every 'n seconds - 1 messages, 1 author
* JavaBeans, Tomcat and deployment. - 3 messages, 2 authors
* how to get application path? Is that my method in getting path wrong? - 1 
messages, 1 author
* Java double precision - 2 messages, 2 authors
* [ANN] Servertec Jenie 1.0.0 12/05/2004 - 3 messages, 2 authors
* Where to place configuration files when using WAR-Files - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: OT: Google postings (was: Re: Java method)

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 7 2004 9:09 am
From: Thomas Weidenfeller  

Andrew Thompson wrote:
> There seems to be a problem with Google postings, if this one fits
> the pattern,
> - the OP is using Google Groups beta
> - The message on post read 'could not post'
> - The OP pressed 'back' then reposted it (twice, presumably)

Google groups is switching its English version of their web interface to 
a new software version, which they were running for some time now as a 
separate beta version. Unfortunately, the software is still very much at 
beta stage, but that doesn't prevent google from switching back and 
forth between the old and the new beta version.

Many Usenet groups are now plastered with duplicates, thanks to Google 
(wasn't their corporate motto "do no evil"?). The new software is broken 
in other ways, too. E.g. searching for message ids does no longer work, 
top level hierarchies have been renamed, the interface now requires 
javascript, etc.

If you want to voice your opinion:



TOPIC: (OT) Re: Using hobby source code in your job ?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 7 2004 12:39 am
From: Jim P  

Maarten Wiltink wrote:

> "Jim P" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>I like that concept of 100 hours a week for the next 4 to 5 years.  That
>>is part of what the manager does.  My dad owned his own business. and he
>>would spend a lot of time simply thinking. and not all of during the
>>work hours.  - -  - Believe me the good manager is thinking about cause
>>and effect, schedules and that - - and not just 8 to 5.
> Hey, I do that. Are you calling me a manager? Them's fighting words.
> (No, I don't have my own business.)
> Groetjes,
> Maarten Wiltink
and that is why you are a good programmer.  You live this stuff.
and 8 to 5 guy - turns it off as he leaves work.

Jim P.

TOPIC: Can Java Programmer Learn C++ Quickly?

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 7 2004 9:03 am
From: "Chris Uppal"  

Rhino wrote:

> I'd be very curious to know how long it took people here who were fluent
> in Java to get fairly fluent in C++ if they started with approximately
> the same skills I have today.

I haven't gone from Java to C++ (I went the other way) but I think I can add
something useful to this thread. The following is only personal opinion, of
course, but it is backed by quite a bit of experience of working with C++
programmers of various grades.

C++ is large, complicated, and /DIFFICULT/.  There is no way that you can learn
it quickly, no matter what your background.  If you are intelligent, a good
programmer, and are interested in understanding the details of programming
languages, then you can probably become a very good C++ programmer in as little
as three years.  If not then it'll take a little longer...

I would say that its a rare programmer who can (or should !) write C++ code
without supervision with less than a year's (fulltime) practise.

Obviously, people don't /really/ take that long to become "productive" -- what
happens is that they learn a cut-down approximation to C++, and then use that.
If they are well-taught (or lucky) then the various misconceptions and
misunderstanding they have will not be /too/ serious, and they'll be able
(usually) to write code that works, and modify existing code without (usually)
introducing subtle bugs.

The difference from languages like, say, Java is that misunderstand C++ is
often dangerous.  A "fairly fluent" C++ programmer is quite likely to be
introducing bugs without knowing it (even when using features that they think
they understand), whereas a "fairly fluent" Java programmer is quite likely to
be writing reasonable Java, even if there are things about the language that
they haven't yet learned.

But what you are /really/ asking isn't about learning to write good C++, its
more about knowing C++ well enough to claim that you know the language at
interview ;-)   How long that will take will depend on how honest you want to
be, and on what you think /their/ requirements are.  It's certainly possible to
learn enough in a week or so (fulltime) that you can easily pass simple
programming tests.

BTW, I know this post sounds like a criticism of C++, and indeed it /is/ a
criticism of C++, but I wouldn't want to give the impression that I dislike the
language.  It's a lot of fun to program in C++, there are so /many/
intellectual challenges.  I just don't think its a particularly good choice for
writing programs in...

    -- chris

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 7 2004 8:36 pm
From: Ian T  

Rhino wrote:
> I realize that this is not entirely a Java question but I am hoping that
> some of the people reading this newsgroup are Java programmers who went on
> to learn C++.
> I am giving some thought to applying for some jobs that want people with
> Java and C++ experience. I have been writing Java for several years and am
> fluent enough that I don't have to post questions here very often. I have no
> real C++ experience and not much C experience for that matter.
> However, the core Java statements are "borrowed" from C and C++ has often
> been called "C with classes". 

Having programmed C++ for ~3years and now learning Java, I can say that 
C++ (and C ) has some nasties that takes years to completely get your 
head around.

First of all: memory management. You've got to follow that object 
reference (and mallocs) everywhere it goes and anticipate every 
situation where it might be stranded. A good bounds checker will help, 
but still, it's something that you never think about with Java (garbage 
collector), but you should always be thinking about in C++.

Second: Pointers. References (&), de-references(->), points(*().), 
pointer(*), pointer arithmetic, char arrarys, memory buffers, and so on. 
Learning pointers is the hardest part of C++, and once you have a good 
handle on that, some of the other things come easier too.

Third: Null terminated character arrays. Useful, but often dangerous as 
you can kill the null terminator and have string functions wander off 
into other parts of the stack or the heap. Also, C style string 
functions are the source of many buffer overflow exploits. For most 
string handling <basic string> is your friend, but null terminated 
character arrays have enormous flexibility.

Fourth: Learn the containers in STL as soon as practically possible, 
especially <map> and <list>.

 >It seems to me that it shouldn't take very
 > long to get up to speed on C++ if I am already fluent with Java and 
have at
 > least some knowledge of C.

Good luck with that ;). Probably *the* best book (IMNSHO) for starting 
out with C++ is Dietel & Deitel C++ How to Program. It's as dense as a 
chocolate pudding, but it has all the bits.


== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 7 2004 10:24 am
From: "Tim Ward"  

"Rhino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I realize that this is not entirely a Java question but I am hoping that
> some of the people reading this newsgroup are Java programmers who went on
> to learn C++.

The other way round is easier, as others have said, because C++ is a vastly
more complex language than Java. (This was deliberate; many of the nasties
in C++ come from retaining backwards compatibility with C, without which C++
would have been just-another-OO-language-that-nobody-used, whereas Java was
designed from scratch with all the difficult bits deliberately omitted.)

Yeah, sure, learning the syntax differences is trivial and should take an
afternoon (apart from templates, and of course the various obscurities that
nobody uses such as pointer-to-member and stuff like that).

If you've never done any real programming and have no idea what a computer
is (ie if you've never done any machine code or assembler programming) then
you may have trouble getting your head round pointers and references and
suchlike; I've never seen why people find this difficult, but it's a fact
that some do.

On the memory management ... C++ is one of the languages that thinks "memory
management is far too important to leave to the compiler" in contast to Java
which thinks that "memory management is far too important to leave to the
programmer". But once you've realised what you can do with proper
destructors ...

Anyway, the language is the smaller part of the problem, you'll have entire
sets of basic C libraries, STL, GUI class libraries etc to learn, depending
on the platform and toolkit. Some of these are harder and/or bigger and/or
weirder than others.

Virtual function calls in constructors ... oh yes, this is one that is
definitely wrong in Java, whatever you think of the C++ interpretation. If
you're going to end up using both languages on a daily basis it may be best
to ensure that you never call a virtual function in a constructor! On the
other hand throwing exceptions from constructors is not a problem in Java
but is well worth avoiding in C++.

Tim Ward
Brett Ward Limited -

TOPIC: Sockets

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 7 2004 9:03 am
From: "Chris Uppal"  

FunkyKarma wrote:
> >  But what will be the *content* of the communication?
> > C programmers tend to want to just send structs, which is not portable.
> The content doesn't matter.  Sending a struct is not a problem.

In itself this is true -- how the sender put the bytes on the wire is not of
interest to the receiver and does not in any way affect the validity of the
bytestream.  However it is /misleading/ in that the sender might be under the
impression that he or she was writing well-defined bytes in a well-defined
order, rather than just a semi-random mishmash that "happens" to work -- which
is actually the case.

    -- chris

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 7 2004 10:13 am
From: Michael Borgwardt 

FunkyKarma wrote:

>> But what will be the *content* of the communication?
>>C programmers tend to want to just send structs, which is not portable.
> The content doesn't matter.

Yes, it does. Otherwise, there is no communication.

>  Sending a struct is not a problem. 

Yes, it is.

> On the
> receiving end you just have to know what bytes were written onto the wire.

And you DON'T KNOW that with a struct! Because it uses compiler- and platform
dependant padding, endianness and data type sizes.

TOPIC: Delete a panel inside a panel

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 7 2004 10:06 pm
From: "HS1"  

Hello all

I have some sub-panels inside a main panel. The main panel is
VerticalFlowLayout. Inside each subpanel, I have button "Delete". What I
want is that when I click the "Delete" in a panel, this sub-panel will be
disposed and the main panel will be updated.
I do not want to have a variable main panel for each sub-panel as it is not
a good design
Is there a good way to do this. Do I have to create event handlers????

Thank you for your help

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 7 2004 10:49 am
From: "Niels Dybdahl"  

> I have some sub-panels inside a main panel. The main panel is
> VerticalFlowLayout. Inside each subpanel, I have button "Delete". What I
> want is that when I click the "Delete" in a panel, this sub-panel will be
> disposed and the main panel will be updated.
> I do not want to have a variable main panel for each sub-panel as it is
> a good design

Why is it not a good design ? I think it is reasonable for an object to have
a reference to whatever it is going to work on.

Niels Dybdahl

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 7 2004 4:14 pm
From: Babu Kalakrishnan  

HS1 wrote:
> Hello all
> I have some sub-panels inside a main panel. The main panel is
> VerticalFlowLayout. Inside each subpanel, I have button "Delete". What I
> want is that when I click the "Delete" in a panel, this sub-panel will be
> disposed and the main panel will be updated.
> I do not want to have a variable main panel for each sub-panel as it is not
> a good design
> Is there a good way to do this. Do I have to create event handlers????

If the subpanel is directly added to the main panel, calling getParent() 
  on the subpanel should give you a reference to it.


TOPIC: How to restrict direct access to JSP files, only allow access via 

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 7 2004 10:19 am
From: Michael Borgwardt 

Anan wrote:

> How to restrict direct access to JSP files, but allow access only via
> servlet?

Use the servlet-mapping entries in web.xml to funnel all accesses to the

TOPIC: Is there any java method which do the following function?

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 7 2004 1:28 am
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mikeotp) 


Is there any java method which do the following function?

     The method's handle

file2 is different from file1 by some specific characters.
any suggestion is welcome.

Thank you.
May god be with you.

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 7 2004 10:31 am
From: Michael Borgwardt 

mikeotp wrote:

> regards:
> Is there any java method which do the following function?
> file1-------------------->file2
>      The method's handle

What is it supposed to *do*??

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 7 2004 4:24 pm
From: Babu Kalakrishnan  

Michael Borgwardt wrote:
> mikeotp wrote:
>> regards:
>> Is there any java method which do the following function?
>> file1-------------------->file2
>>      The method's handle
> What is it supposed to *do*??

I think you overlooked the last line of the post. You're expected to 
figure it out yourself with some divine help :-)

TOPIC: Auto submit Struts form every 'n seconds

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 7 2004 9:37 am
From: "davout"  

Answering my own question here... but I wonder whether the <meta> tag will 
achieve what I'm looking for, like...

    <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="4">

"davout" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Does anybody know of way of having a Struts form auto submit itself every 
> 'n' seconds?
> I'm trying to build a form that reports back on the progress of an 
> asynchronously executing task.

TOPIC: JavaBeans, Tomcat and deployment.

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 7 2004 1:39 am
From: "xterm"  

You can use JavaBeans with Servlets yes. Basically a Java Bean (not an
EJB) is a reusable component that follows a certain template for use in
your servlets/jsp. A good example of a javabean would be a Shopping
cart bean which can hold the orders of a User throughout the Session.
Another example is using a javabean to store information about a user
for authentication purposes.

Tomcat is a servlet container, users/companies do not use it as a
webserver, however it is possible to do so for development. You can use
Apache HTTPD and Tomcat together if you wish to use a stable system.

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 7 2004 1:35 am
From: Mike Cox  

xterm wrote:

Thank you for your response.

> You can use JavaBeans with Servlets yes. Basically a Java Bean (not an
> EJB) is a reusable component that follows a certain template for use in
> your servlets/jsp.

What is the difference between a Java Bean and an EJB?

> A good example of a javabean would be a Shopping
> cart bean which can hold the orders of a User throughout the Session.
> Another example is using a javabean to store information about a user
> for authentication purposes.

Can Tomcat do JavaBeans?  

> Tomcat is a servlet container, users/companies do not use it as a
> webserver, however it is possible to do so for development. You can use
> Apache HTTPD and Tomcat together if you wish to use a stable system.

I see.  Is this better than using PHP or ASP?  

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 7 2004 3:12 am
From: "xterm"  

> What is the difference between a Java Bean and an EJB?

Nothing alike. There are 2 types of Java Beans, both imply a reusable
component, however 1 type can refer to a custom created Graphical
Component that can be integrated with Graphical applications, the other
type is a reusable component that can be integrated with web
components, example:
class User{
private String username;
private String password;
public String getUsername(){
return username;
public String getPassword(){
return password;
// and the setters here

in this case you can use your java bean withing your web components
using jsp taglibs such as:
<jsp:useBean id="usr" class="User" scope="session">
and you can invoke the jsp:setProperty and jsp:getProperty to fetch/set
data throught the session scope.

an EJB is a whole different concept, it's a component that can be
deployed on Application servers, they can provide several features,
they can be looked up using naming services and they make use of the
Application Server's stability, security and the lot... read about J2EE
if you wish to learn more.

> Can Tomcat do JavaBeans?
Tomcat is a servlet/jsp container, hence yes it does contain the

> I see. Is this better than using PHP or ASP?
I cannot answer this since it'll cause a flame war, but to parse PHP
scripts you need the interpreter which can be integrated with apache's
httpd or microsoft's IIS, and for ASP the only way to parse asp pages
is using IIS. With tomcat you most probably can hook it up to any
webserver that supports connectors to tomcat. Basically requests are
handled by the webserver and dispatched to the servlet container
depending on the request, whether it's a jsp, servlet or any dynamic
content. This is usually the way to go, if you need security and faster
loading (eg: hosting all static content on the webserver, and keep the
dynamic content on the servlet container).

Distributed Systems is a very interesting field, you should read about

TOPIC: how to get application path? Is that my method in getting path wrong?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 7 2004 5:39 pm
From: "James"  


when I compile and run test.class
in coding, I write
after process something, the program will save the file setting in

all of this run ok, the image got load up, then when save setting, it got
write back into setting.cfg file.

Later I group all of this in 1 jar file.
then when I try the program, it cannot run anymore. something related to

I try to get out the path and I found out that when running in normal
class(without jar), that code can get correct path and the file.
but when run in jar(with main class) that code can't get correct path.
It got something at between the parent path and class path.
at center it come out something like jar file(it act like 1 level path)

so I want to ask you all, normally how do you all get the running path
correctly so that can load the image  and save file back to running class's

TOPIC: Java double precision

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 7 2004 1:54 am

I know the following behaviour is an old problem,
but still I don't understand why such a simple piece of code:

double val = 0;
for(int i=0;i<10;i++) {

has the following (terrible) output:



Why, as a developer, I have to use a trick like this to solve the

java.text.DecimalFormat df = new
double val = 0;
for(int i=0;i<10;i++) {
val = df.parse(df.format(val)).doubleValue();

Thank you in advance
Vincenzo Caselli

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 7 2004 11:11 am
From: Michael Borgwardt 


> I know the following behaviour is an old problem,
> but still I don't understand why such a simple piece of code:
> has the following (terrible) output:
> 0.7999999999999999
> 0.8999999999999999
> 0.9999999999999999
> ???

Because double and float are internally represented as *binary* fractions
according to the IEEE standard 754
and can therefore not represent decimal fractions exactly.

> Why, as a developer, I have to use a trick like this to solve the
> problem:
> java.text.DecimalFormat df = new
> java.text.DecimalFormat("###.########");
> double val = 0;
> for(int i=0;i<10;i++) {
> val+=0.1;
> val = df.parse(df.format(val)).doubleValue();
> System.out.println(val);
> }

*groan* You're 95% there and yet took the TOTALLY wrong turn at the last
intersection. You want to *format* numbers, so why are you using
DecimalFormat.parse()??? What do you think the format() method is for?

Furthermore, if you really need exact representation of decimal fractions
(usually the case only for financial applications), use java.math.BigDecimal.

TOPIC: [ANN] Servertec Jenie 1.0.0 12/05/2004

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 7 2004 5:44 am
From: "Manuel J. Goyenechea"  

Servertec is happy to announce the release of Servertec Jenie, a collection 
of Java Classes and supporting native libraries that allows developers to 
directly access native libraries without having to use Java Native Interface 
(JNI) and without having to write C/C++ code.

For more information, please visit:

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 7 2004 3:19 am
From: "xterm"  

Very nice, good job.

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 7 2004 3:20 am
From: "xterm"  

Very nice, good job.

TOPIC: Where to place configuration files when using WAR-Files

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 7 2004 3:23 am
From: "Stephan Koser"  


we'd like to provide our web application as a WAR-File. Up to now we have
our configuration files inside the WEB-INF directory.
But we don't want to force our clients to unpack, edit and pack the war file
if they want to configure the application. Instead we want to provide a
configuration dialog at the first call of our application.
But the question is: Where to place the configuration?

We don't want to put it in the WAR file. So, are there any standards in J2EE
where to place configuration files, that may change during runtime?
Any hints?

thank you.

bye Stephan...


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