The Award-Winning Monthly Resource for Professionals

Circulation 24,300
Vol 53 – December 7, 2004
Publisher: Anne Warfield
888-imp-9421 or 952-921-9421
© Impression Management Professionals 2004

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1) What's In The News? 
2) Outcome Focus Situation/Solution
3) Anne's Aha
4) Resources To Learn More


1.      What's In The News?

Learn more about IMP's Monthly Presentation Skills Seminar at the IMP
Institute in Minneapolis, MN!

Upcoming Presentation Skills Seminar Dates: 

Dec 16-17, 2004, Minneapolis, MN 

Feb 22-23, 2005, Dallas, TX 

Upcoming Negotiation Skills Seminar Dates:

Mar 10-11, 2005, Minneapolis, MN

Follow this link for more information,

or, email me at mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


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2.      Here's This Months Outcome Focus Situation/Solution  

Use as a training tool:  Present the situation below to the group and
have them brainstorm how they would best handle the situation. Then share
the Outcome Focus answer and see how it relates or differs from solutions
the group found.

How To Deal With Someone Dropping Off Last Minute Projects?
SITUATION: Dear Anne, I get really frustrated when people are incompetent
in their jobs.  Why can’t people just do what is asked of them?  A classic
example is my boss the other day.  She wanted me to redo a form that was
perfectly fine the way it was.  I told her it didn’t make any sense for me
to redo it as it was a waste of my time.  She got angry and said that she
needed certain information for her meeting with Matt (her boss) and that
the new format would be easier for Matt to read.  I think it is ridiculous
to suck up to Matt like that.  He is an adult and should be able to read
the form since all the information is there any way.  How can I get her to
see the light?

OUTCOME DESIRED: You want to know that your work is done correctly, is
valued for what it is, and that you and your boss (I will call her Jane
for simplicity sake) get a long well.

HOW TO HANDLE: There are several issues going on here that we want to
address BEFORE we try to apply Outcome Thinking to handle your situation.

First of all, you use the words and phrases “incompetent,” “suck up,” and
“waste of my time,” all of which imply that you may be judging others by
your own standards.

When we hold a yardstick up to determine the value of what others do
versus what we do, we run in to the problem of getting frustrated and
angry at others while they see us as arrogant and difficult.

The first thing I would do is great rid of the personal judgment you may
have on others and ASSUME they are doing things the best way they can.

Here is what I would focus on- THE NOBLE OUTCOME is to focus on adding
value to the company and Jane.  Therefore you would want to think about
what you can do to make HER JOB easier.

In this instance, having information in a neat format for Matt is what
would make it the easiest for her. (I am assuming that Jane is not just
making changes for changes sake but rather has a method to what she is
doing even though you may not understand her method.)

BEST PHRASED:  “Jane, I want to do what I can to make sure it is easy for
Matt to understand our project, so let's look at this together.  Can you
share with me what you believe he will find confusing with this report and
what you would like to see changed?”

Then listen to her response.  If she is adamant that it has to be changed
be straightforward about the time but START with the POINT OF AGREEMENT.

“So from what you have said the report really does need to be changed and
I am assuming that this is a permanent change going forward?  This will
take about 2 hours of time.  Are you okay with moving our deadline on the
capability report from today at 4 PM to tomorrow at 10 AM so I can get
this done for you or is this something you would rather have someone else
do and have me concentrate on the capability report?”

Most likely your boss won’t remember what other projects are on your plate
so it is fine to let them know so they can make choices.

ANNES HINTS:  If you find yourself thinking of others in the following
terms: idiots, incompetent, irresponsible, morons, etc.  This means that
you most likely carry an INTERNAL MEASURING stick that you judge others
by.  Most likely you are hard on yourself and equally hard on others.

In order to reduce your stress and anger one of the things you need to do
is get rid of this internal measuring stick as you will get frustrated by
people who don’t measure up and people that excel past you will cause fear
in you because YOU suddenly are the one that doesn’t measure up.

Get rid of the stick by believing that people are not trying to do things
to you but rather they are doing things to PROTECT themselves.  Your goal
is to add value to others.


Send Anne your situation to be included in an upcoming E-zine.

************** Want To Perfect Your Skills? *************

Order Anne's Book, Outcome Thinking: Getting Results 
Without The Boxing Gloves for $24.95.

3.      Anne's "Aha"

An article for you from Anne!

Success Negotiating: How to Leave with More Than What You Wanted, 
follow this link:

Quotable Quotes:

“Change is the only thing that offers new opportunity.”  Ross Shafer


4.      I Want More Resources So I Can Perfect My Skills

Products: Outcome Thinking Book $24.95
Outcome Thinking CD ROM $49.95
Communicating More Effectively Book $14.95
(Body Language)
Body Language Video $99.95
Success Negotiating Audio Tape $14.95
GOALS Set $39.95

I WANT IT ALL: COMPLETE PACKAGE, Regularly $245. Special price for
Subscribers, $197.95, includes two free gifts.

Order Online:



We have many articles available for your publication, company
newsletter,etc. Articles can be viewed at

All you have to do is print the article in its entirety along with the
byline at the top and the credits, and complete contact information at the
end of each article.  I would appreciate a tear sheet or electronic copy

Back Issues of the Outcome Focus E-zine can be viewed at


About Anne and IMP

Anne Warfield, CSP*
Impression Management Professionals
7200 France Avenue South, Suite 224
Minneapolis, MN 55435
952-921-9420 Fax
Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Visit us at:

"A true leader is not one you look up to because they are the best. A true
leader is one that draws the best out in you." Anne Warfield

*CSP- Certified Speaking Professional; a designation held by only 7% of
all speakers nationwide

Member of the National Speakers Association

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