Hi Neo

I am trying to use neo4j 2.3.2 and load my graph and create an auto text 
index, I have enabled the
node_auto_indexing=true property in the conf file and also specified the 
property that I want to index,
which is called name. But when I load the graph apparently there is nothing 
because when I search for a
vertex in the index it returns no results, so with the match function I am 
able to get the vertex but I am not
able to get it using a text index.

All the documentation I have found in the official manuals on googling is 
similar to the one on this pages:

I was also wondering if this other syntas is a Btree index, how can I use 
it to make searches faster?
create index on :Node(name);
| No data returned. |
Indexes added: 1
3036 ms

why doesn't this query returns results with the indexes?

START n=node:node_auto_index("name:v*") return n limit 10;
| vertex |
0 row
29 ms


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