I am new to Neo4j Cypher queries. I am getting HPALM data in Neo4j & then 
rendering it on grafana. HPALM creates a new row with every test run under 
the same "test-id". Due to this the summary test status shows wrong count 
due to duplicate entries with one row showing as status=Passed (latest 
run) & another as status=Failed (older run). But I need only the latest row 
data, the one with status=Passed in this example. below is the query which 
shows sample data having duplicate enrties/ rows but with different test 
'status' & different 'last-modified' time. I need query to extract the 
unique / distinct latest entries & filter out older duplicate entries/ 
you can see first 2 rows with same id=44079, test-id=72534 but different 
status Failed & Passed & different 'last-modified' date time.

MATCH (a:HP) WHERE a.project='CHP' and a.type='test-instance' and 
a.`cycle-id` ='11743' RETURN distinct a.id, a.`test-id`, a.`exec-date`, 
a.`last-modified`, a.status, a.name, a.owner order by a.id

│a.id │a.`test-id`│a.`exec-date`│a.`last-modified`  │a.status     
│44079│72534      │2018-03-09   │2018-03-09 07:42:30│Failed       
│44079│72534      │2018-03-20   │2018-03-20 13:01:31│Passed       
│44080│72533      │2018-03-07   │2018-03-07 11:12:54│Failed       
│44080│72533      │2018-03-21   │2018-03-21 10:42:11│Passed       
│44081│72532      │2018-03-05   │2018-03-05 11:51:28│Passed       
│44082│72526      │2018-03-05   │2018-03-05 11:56:54│Failed       
│44082│72526      │2018-03-21   │2018-03-21 10:57:40│Not 

Additionally if this is resolved I need to inject the same logic in below 
summary query to filter out the duplicates:

Currently the real count of Failed, No Run & Not Completed shows higher than 
expected due adding up of duplicates.

WHERE  a.project='CHP'  and a.type='test-instance' and a.`cycle-id`='11743'
RETURN  a.status , count(*) as cnt, a.`cycle-id` order by a.status

│a.status     │cnt│a.`cycle-id`│
│Failed       │4  │11743       │
│No Run       │2  │11743       │
│Not Completed│5  │11743       │
│Passed       │31 │11743       │

Any help to resolve this is most appreciated. I need help forming query with 
"Group by" & "having" clause here with example. I also need help creating query 
for sorting by date time. 

Cannot find correct functions for date time addition / subtraction & sorting as 
the field type is "string". Let me know if you need more information. 

I am using version 3.0.6 of Neo4j
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