Database has record event, that points to a lot of nodes with label state. 
It is possible to have a lot of event nodes, each with their own state 
nodes. Each State node has time property on it, that represents timestamp.

I am trying to come up with the most efficient query to do so. So far this 
is the best I can do:

profile match (:Event {id:'test'})-->(s:State)

       with (s)

       where s.time > 1524842390

       return s;

This is what I get:


| Operator         | Estimated Rows | Rows | DB Hits | Cache H/M | 
Identifiers                    | Other                                  |


| +ProduceResults  |           1080 | 2323 |       0 |       0/0 | 
anon[61], anon[27], anon[7], s | 0.0                                    |

| |                

| +Filter          |           1080 | 2323 |       0 |       0/0 | 
anon[61], anon[27], anon[7], s | 0.0; ReferenceFromSlot(0)              |

| |                

| +Projection      |           1440 | 7200 |    7200 |       0/0 | 
anon[61], anon[27], anon[7], s | 0.0; {s : s,  : s.time > {  AUTOINT1}} |

| |                

| +Filter          |           1440 | 7200 |    7200 |       0/0 | 
anon[27], anon[7], s           | 0.0; s:State                           |

| |                

| +Expand(All)     |           1440 | 7200 |    7201 |       0/0 | 
anon[27], anon[7], s           | 0.0; (anon[7])-->(s)                   |

| |                

| +Filter          |              0 |    1 |       5 |       0/0 | anon[7]  
                      | 0.0; anon[7].id = {  AUTOSTRING0}      |

| |                

| +NodeByLabelScan |              2 |    5 |       6 |       2/0 | anon[7]  
                      | 1.0; :Event                            |



1) Is there any way to optimize away the Filter (7200), Projection (7200) 
part, and why is it even there?

2) Is there a more efficient way to do this? I have tried indexing time 
attribute on State object, however, as the number of states records in the 
database growth, the number of records scanned. 

3) Ideally what I want to do is match event, get all state nodes connected 
to it, and then use indexed property time on to filter out the records. I 
have been trying to get that to work using 'USING' keyword with something 
like this:

profile match (:Event {id:'test'})-->(s:State)

with (s)

using index s:State(time)

where s.time > 1524842390

return s

but it does not work

I know some people will suggest using just match with index, here it is and 
where is what I get:

profile match (:Event {id:'test'})-->(s:State)

using index s:State(time)

where s.time > 1524842390

return s


| Operator                | Estimated Rows | Rows  | DB Hits | Cache H/M | 
Identifiers          | Other                                             |


| +ProduceResults         |            108 |  2323 |       0 |      40/0 | 
anon[27], anon[7], s | 1.0                                               |

| |                       

| +Expand(Into)           |            108 |  2323 |   46816 |      40/0 | 
anon[27], anon[7], s | 1.0; (anon[7])-->(s)                              |

| |                       

| +CartesianProduct       |            540 | 11704 |       0 |      42/0 | 
anon[7], s           | 1.0                                               |

| |\                      

| | +NodeIndexSeekByRange |           1080 | 11704 |   11705 |      40/0 | s  
                  | 1.0; :State(time) > Parameter(  AUTOINT1,Integer) |

| |                       

| +Filter                 |              0 |     1 |       5 |      40/0 | 
anon[7]              | 1.0; anon[7].id = {  AUTOSTRING0}                 |

| |                       

| +NodeByLabelScan        |              5 |     5 |       6 |      42/0 | 
anon[7]              | 1.0; :Event                                       |


As you can see this will not scale because the NodeIndexSeekByRange will 
keep going up as the number of State records in DB will increase. Thus if I 
will add 600k more state nodes, performance will be a lot worse.


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