I am using neo4j 4.1.3. I have 2 labels : Person and Rec. I need to create 
a relationship between these 2 only when there exists exactly one person 
with that last name. When I run the below, relationships are created for 
all persons with that last name. My code is below: 

MATCH (echk:REC {id: 'abcdef'}) OPTIONAL MATCH (p:Person) WHERE p.name 
CONTAINS 'Shirley' WITH p, echk, count(p) as personcnt where personcnt=1 
CALL apoc.merge.relationship(p, 'Test', {}, {}, echk, {}) YIELD rel RETURN 
p, echk, rel

I have 33 people with "Shirley' and 33 relationships are getting created 
with that REC. However, there should be no relationship because personcnt 
<> 1. When I just write 
OPTIONAL MATCH (p:Person) WHERE p.name CONTAINS 'Shirley'  return count(p) 
-> I get 33 as the value. I am not sure why my where condition is not 
kicking in. 

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