
I'm currently designing a case.  I may end up making a limited run to
sell, but I very much plan on making the code and design files
available to others in case they wish to attempt this themselves.
That said, the entire affair is all surface-mount parts placed very
closely together.  It's tough to assemble by hand, as I currently
do :)

The decision to use native IO for the USB communication was motivated
by a few early design hurdles - there's literally no room for an FTDI
interface chip on the board, and I did not want to deal with FTDI's
host-side drivers, which I have quite a lot of (bad) experience with.

I got my atmega328p parts from element-14, which is one of Farnell's
multitude of webstores.  They show as perpetually out-of-stock, due to
the high demand from Arduino folks and the historically low market
availability of Atmel parts since they closed a few fabs.  Placing a
backorder request generally works much more quickly than their lead
time implies, the last time I bought these parts it only took about
two weeks.  I considered buying parts via eBay, but apparently some
shifty "entrepreneurs" have been floating knockoff 328s there and I
did not want to take the chance.

The AVR codebase, EAGLE libraries, project files, and host-side
interface code are all currently available at
-- I haven't pushed to the repo in a little while, so the code is
likely out-of-date, and there is no documentation as of yet.


On Nov 29, 1:25 am, petehand <> wrote:
> Interesting! You appear to be running the USB directly off the ports
> of that AVR - quite an achievement. <removes hat>
> Actually having in your possession, ATmega328s in QFP, that's quite an
> achievement also! It's the unobtainable chip of the year. Do you have
> a secret supplier, or do you buy Arduino boards and unsolder the
> chips, as I've heard some people are reduced to?
> On Nov 18, 3:59 pm, koolatron <> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > It's taken me months and months of spare time (what little I get these
> > days) to work on this, but I finally think my most recent project is
> > finished-enough to warrant sharing.  A couple of years ago I built a

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