I'd reccomend a numtron, they are the simplest kind of vintage
display, essentially just 7 or 8 bulbs in one glass tube.
A single digit version ought to be simple to build, do a google.
If your not writing the code a multiplexed display is simpler to
You can still get 74141's on ebay, my designs use a 4017, its a 1 of
10 decoder and only needs 2 wires back to the microcontroller.
If you can solder then you can do it.

On Jan 26, 2:08 am, Sean Voisen <s...@voisen.org> wrote:
>  If you want to build an Arduino-compatible numitron clock, you're welcome
> to clone my Bluenumi clock:http://sean.voisen.org/projects/bluenumi/
> Schematics, board, gerbers and Arduino-compatible source are all open
> source. They all live at the Github link from that page. It's essentially a
> bare-bones Arduino clone connected to LED drivers (for numitrons), piezo
> buzzer, buttons, and DS1307 real time clock chip.
> Of course, this will also be available as a kit in a week or two ...
> Sean

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