Liquid volume: pints for fresh milk but litres for evaporated-pints for 
beer but millilitres/mills for spirits

Distance/length: miles/yards/feet for distance but metres/centimetres for 
building materials (and drawings)

Weight: Lbs/ounces for produce (and sometimes grammes but we wont go into 
that) but kilos for body weight ('cept for 'old fogies' who still use 

Ask someone how long a cable you need they will answer in feet but we buy 
it per metre

We say a car is 10ft long but measure its boot capacity in litres, engine 
capacity in litres but still talk of horsepower

People talk of 1/4 of a %! (That to me is the 'best' one, combining 
fractions with metrics)
No wonder we can be a mixed up lot, we will drag ourselves into the 20th 
century kicking and screaming (Might get to the 21st someday too)

Nick you *know* what the queen uses?! 
Anyway if you want Fahrenheit just remember Tf = (9/5)*Tc+32, simples ;)

On Wednesday, 4 July 2012 10:58:23 UTC+1, Nick wrote:
> On Wednesday, 4 July 2012 05:28:41 UTC+1, Lucky wrote:
>> Still makes me laugh, here in the UK people use Fahrenheit when 
>> describing 'hot' days but Centigrade when 'cold'!
>> Anyway I think it should be measured in 'Kelvins' ;)  
> No-one that I know of in the UK still uses degrees F, except superannuated 
> old fogies who still believe we have an empire...
> The only thing you need to know is that the BBC and the Queen use degrees 
> C... I rest my case... 
> ...though we use imperial measures for length (but often also metric) and 
> distance, speed & area, volume of draught beer and milk (but not petrol) 
> etc. simple really.

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