Tim, spot on!

I finished testing and had a nice pile of mis-behaving tubes that would 
"snatch" to the other end on the first glimpse of FSD and jump about during 
ascent and descent. I de-soldered one leg of my reservoir cap so they have 
a nice 100Hz ripply supply and they all, instantly, work perfectly! The 
tubes are slightly (only slightly) dimmer and the tops develop a hazy arrow 
instead of a sharp end to the bar but they slide up and down smoothly 
and don't seem to mis-behave at all.

I am still, however, convinced that most of mine are some argon-neon mix 
which is a bit annoying as the few that are true bright orange neon are 

Cheers guys,
- Alex

On Saturday, 5 January 2013 15:15:13 UTC, Tim wrote:
> That is very interesting that you are not using a SMPS and still having 
> the trouble.  I have never tried the tubes with a  full bridge only a half, 
> I wonder if the difference between 50Hz and 100Hz makes any difference, I 
> cant see why it would.
> You say you have a large reservoir cap, effectively giving you smooth DC.  
> I dont think these tubes like smooth DC hence the SMPS being trouble. Try 
> removing the cap and see what happens.
> Hope this helps,
> Tim  
> On Saturday, 5 January 2013 14:30:38 UTC, Alex wrote:
>> Cheers for the replies guys, I suspect that with a bit of running in most 
>> of the tubes I have labeled "Slight poisoning" will come right... It is 
>> strange that your purple topped tubes are distinctly different from white 
>> topped, maybe I got lucky with my white topped but I defiantly prefer the 
>> true neon IN-9 glow...
>> My test rig could not be better for the tubes:
>> UK Mains -> Isolating TX -> Variac -> Full Bridge -> Large reservoir cap 
>> -> 25K W/W Pot -> 1K 10W Fixed R -> mA Meter -> Tube.
>> Defiantly no switching noise!
>> I will leave a few of the worst offenders on burn in for a half day and 
>> see if they wake up a bit better....
>> - Alex
>> On Saturday, 5 January 2013 11:46:34 UTC, Tim wrote:
>>> Hi Alex,
>>> First things first, I love IN-9 tubes and am in the process of making an 
>>> audio spectrum analyser with them.  I have both the orange and violet 
>>> versions.  My violet ones having the purple top and do illuminate with a 
>>> very purple glow :o)  These tubes are trouble and very hard to make them 
>>> consistently illuminate from the bottom as they do not have the extra 
>>> electrode the IN-13s have.  But there is a way!
>>> I would be very surprised if your problem is being caused by cathode 
>>> poisoning, it is more likely to be because of the power supply you are 
>>> using.  These tubes do not like being run off nice clean DC from a SMPS. 
>>> One must consider that when these tube were first being used (decades 
>>> before I was alive) SMPS were not used to any extent (if at all?).  They 
>>> were powering the tubes from good old half wave rectified DC.  I personally 
>>> power the tubes from a mains isolation transformer (I think it came out of 
>>> a bathroom shaver socket) and a single 1N4007 rectifier diode.  I don't 
>>> think I have ever had one misbehave being powered in this way.  Give it a 
>>> go and see if this solves your problems.  
>>> Don't forget that the IN-9 are very power hungry compared with that of 
>>> the IN-13.
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Tim

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