Looks like a very nice build!  If you decide to try again, you might 
consider using Numitron tubes - their vibration tolerance is pretty 
amazing.  RCA, for example, quotes lifetimes of 100,000 hours while 
operating at 50G impact and 2.5G continuous vibration (100G non-operating 
shock rating).  They were commonly used in aircraft displays during the 
cold war, and so were designed for high-vibration environments.  Wamco 
makes even more rugged ones, though they're quite pricey if you can find 
them.  The Russian ones are quite cheap (~$3 per tube), and although not as 
rugged as the RCAs, are still very robust.  Also, they are easily readable 
in daylight, even in direct sun, and only need 5V at 20mA per segment to 

I used several in a Burning Man mutant vehicle a few years ago - very 
rugged environment, high temperature, pervasive caustic dust, bright 
sunlight, and the vehicle was a Taylor-Dunn electric vehicle with 
essentially no suspension, over a dry lake bed.  Many other failures 
ensued, but the real-time sonar display (did I mention the dust? white-outs 
are common) worked perfectly the whole time.
Mark Moulding

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