On 02/10/2014 09:30 AM, Kent Stevens wrote:
> Could Americium-241 be used from an old smoke detector since it emits both 
> Alpha and low level Gamma?

I haven't tried it but I would expect it to work fine.  The alpha
particles should slam into the glass and generate enough Bremsstrahlung
X-rays to do the job.

I'm not a safety nazi and I love experimenting with radiation and
radioactive materials.  However I do have to urge some caution here.
Am-241 in the body is a bone seeker and a powerful carcinogen.  The
isotope is "bonded" (I use that term loosely) to the ion chamber
electrode by a few microns of gold, thin enough to allow the alphas out
but thick enough to contain most of the material itself.

Some Am escapes the gold coating through recoil from the disintegration
of other atoms nearby.  So in a detector that is more than a few years
old there will be some loose Am around the emitter.

Also, the gold film can be breached by the mere swipe of a finger across
the surface.

Bottom line: it's easy to loose the stuff and it's quite dangerous once
loosed.  If you don't have an alpha-sensitive survey meter please be
very careful.  Wear gloves and preferably a respirator.  Lay down a
sheet of poly on your work surface and when you're finished, carefully
roll it up and toss it in the trash.

I have processed a large number of detectors to recover the Am so I
speak from experience.  I use a wet process but still I use gloves and a
HEPA respirator. I've never found any contamination in the respirator
filter but I still wear it just in case.


John DeArmond
Tellico Plains, Occupied TN
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