On 09/01/2014 08:58 AM, Nick wrote:
> This is a paper from Buckinghamshire Trading Standards on the risks of 
> cheap adapters, even if they have what purports to be a "CE" mark. 

We looked into agency approval for our induction heaters (fluxeon.com).
 What we found was startling.  Unlike here in the States where the
various approval agencies (UL, ETL, etc) have their marks registered as
trademarks and thus govern how they're used, the CE mark is not
regulated.  Anyone can slap a CE mark on anything.  Only when questioned
by a country's regulating agency does the manufacture have to supply a
file backing up the mark.  That rarely happens.  Thus the CE mark has
become essentially meaningless.

Chief Engineer,
Fluxeon Inc.

John DeArmond
Tellico Plains, Occupied TN
http://www.fluxeon.com      <-- THE source for induction heaters
http://www.neon-john.com    <-- email from here
http://www.johndearmond.com <-- Best damned Blog on the net
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