Looking through Russian literature I can only find circuits which use the 
IN-9 in half-wave rectified designs for checking the mains voltage, I 
haven't found any circuit with any control of the signal in any other way, 
you can see such voltage control pens on this 
site: http://www.petrofflab.ru/p/blog-page_12.html but you'll have to 
scroll down a bit but don't skip the rest as there are many nice photos 

The IN-13 however is always shown in circuits with some type of control 
with transistors or other simple designs.

So I think that the IN-9 was mainly designed for simple designs with 
half-wave rectified voltages in mind and the IN-13 was designed with 
control in mind. There is even a photo of a VU-meter with IN-13 in an old 
Russian book. There can of course be other circuits but these designs 
repeat themselves across books from different writers.


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