On Wednesday, January 3, 2018 at 4:12:40 PM UTC-5, jrehwin wrote:
> I have a copy of the source code and build notes.  Since Ray is no longer 
> with us, and he intimated that he wouldn't mind when I last spoke with him 
> on the phone, I feel it would be okay to share it. 

Back in the old Yahoo! group (I think) Ray came to the realization that 
he'd never be able to deliver any more kits from all the money he'd taken 
for pre-orders and that he was going to give all of the source code, 
documentation, etc. to one of the better-known group members (I forget who) 
who would then make it available to all. I believe Ray passed away soon 
after; I don't know if the material was ever transferred or not.

I believe the GEEKKLOK and FLW use some long-discontinued microcontroller. 
If I'm remembering right, it was something in the Hitachi 63705 family.

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