On Tue, 6 Feb 2018 16:05:23 -0800 (PST), you wrote:

>Lovely stuff. There are a lot of tubes involved in the project - if I 
>understand the annotations correctly, there are 12 instances with 60 tubes 
>and 12 with 10 - that's 840 tubes!
>Something about the write-up on the website looks a bit strange... It 
>claims that the artist fabricated the tubes - did he really go work in 
>Dalibor's lab for a few months to learn and make them? Or did he just pay 
>Dalibor to do it? In the latter case I think a slightly more accurate 
>description is needed...

You must be new to the art world... 
Do you think Damien Hurst picked that shark himself ? 

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