I'm starting a separate thread on this topic that was posted from the 
introduction discussion

As with any serial shift-register, the biggest source of trouble is 
timing-related, such as not accounting for setup and hold-time requirements.

*First question*: Are you able to get reliable and predictable data into 
the first HV5530 that is connected to your controller ? If not, then the 
entire shift chain will be broken, aka "garbage-in, garbage out".
This needs to be solved first. I took a quick look at the code that was 
posted and did not see any obvious issues, so I think your setup/hold 
timing getting into the first HV5530 is correct.

Do you have level-shifters between your controller and the HV5530 ? The 
logic portion of the HV5530 is intended to operate at 12V, whereas most 
controller devices have 3.3V logic levels.
If you dont have a level-shifter, then you are operating outside the device 
spec and you venturing into a jungle of unpredicatbles and uncontrollables.
I know some neonixie members have posted about their good results with 
HVxxxx devices operated outside of spec, so if you are adventurous then go 
for it.

All I can say, based on my own experience, is that when you are not 
datasheet compliant, expect trouble. I had 3 completely unrelated problems 
with a 16-channel A/D converter on my current project, and all of them 
turned out to be either my misinterpretation of the datasheet, or my 
failure to pay attention to a detail in the datasheet. Once I got those 
corrected, it's been fine ever since.

*Second question*: If the first HV5530 is operating as expected, what about 
the next one in the chain ?

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