> On May 28, 2019, at 12:24 PM, Bill Notfaded <notfad...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:notfad...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> It's kinda weird for me to imagine all the kids these days that don't know 
> any of that stuff... I remember the knocker pop... it was loud and everyone 
> could hear it when it happened.

And when you beat the highest score it knocked three times.

>   I don't remember dime machines but I sure remember the quarter and later 
> token machines.

When I was a kid old machines with only three reels and tiny flippers were 
still in service and I remember playing them at the skating rink (Magic Town 
comes to mind). When the Susan B. Anthony coin came out you got five plays for 
a dollar. I still prefer the tables with longer flippers from the early '70s to 
the early '80s.

You don't realize how big and loud a pinball machine is until you have one in 
your home. I had several at one point as well as an Atari Tempest, the best 
video game of all time IMHO. I still have the Tempest but it's out in the shed 
now. There's no room for it in here and I have a buyer lined up.

Another one of the joys of ownership is having the glass shatter. The glass is 
tempered so you can hit it with a five pound sledge and it'll just bounce off. 
BUT bump up against the edge and it will crumble into pebbles of glass. I 
watched two friends pull the glass out once and by the time I yelled "stop!" it 
was too late. They banged it right into a basement column and stood there with 
hands full of glass fragments.

Terry Bowman, KA4HJH
"The Mac Doctor"

Q: Should car stereo speakers be pointed to the rear for more thrust or up for 
more traction?

A. On long trips, the 20- to 30% improvement in gas mileage you might get with 
speakers pointing to the rear is certainly worthwhile. On the other hand, if 
you drive on snow or ice, the extra traction of speakers pointing upward gives 
you added control.

Don Lancaster

Terry Bowman, KA4HJH
"The Mac Doctor"

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