> I happen to have a few of the NHK GD412-200V spark gap tubes.


>    I accidentally thought they were neon bulbs and installed them on the 
> Wemos Nixie Clock kit from Ian at Nixieclock.biz <http://nixieclock.biz/> (a 
> great kit btw.)

Oops, did they light?

> What voltage is needed to cause them to glow?  Since these are 200v spark 
> gaps, I am assuming a voltage over 200, but and curious what you used.  Did 
> you ever use them for a project?

I don't recall the voltage I used, it was using my Heathkit supply which can 
offer up to 400V.  I also don't recall what series resistor I used.  I'll have 
to lash it up again.

I only have a couple of them, so I'm waiting for just the right project.


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