Sharp eyes Grahame, and some sharp deductions too...

The tube is indeed spinning, quite quickly. So we are looking at a 
persistence of vision effect, but not one created by a highly specific 
camera shutter speed - this is what the tube looks like to the naked eye. 
And neither is the tube being abused with a funky hook-up, it's operating 
in the manufacturer's reference circuit (might be give or take on the odd 
component value, I don't remember). It is a commercial tube, not a 
prototype / developmental tube. Your comment on mica vs ceramic is spot on 
- the family of tubes of which this is a member do switch from mica 
supports to ceramics. I have not actually seen an example of this 
particular type with a ceramic support, but I have no reason to believe 
they were not made.

So, very nice progress. Anyone able to get us all the way over the line?


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