On 2021-02-04 10:40 p.m., 'John Rehwinkel' via neonixie-l wrote:
>>>> Has anyone created new magnetic deflection yokes for crts that are
>>>> obtained without them? Seems like an ideal application for 3d printing
>>>> but yet a daunting project.
>>>> Are there any books, recommended project examples, or other resources
>>>> that might help in yoke design?
>>> The tubetime.us <http://tubetime.us> website had a nice writeup on
>>> making and driving yokes (there was a nice pic of one made out of a
>>> toilet paper tube with slots cut in it).
>> Ah yes, I know TubeTimeUS, I will check it out.
> It looks like the site has just been overhauled and I can't find that article 
> any more, but hopefully it's retrievable.

TubeTimeUS is on twitter so I can ask directly when I get around to
looking at this.

>>> It referenced the book Cathode Ray Tube Displays (1966) which has an
>>> entire chapter on the theory, design and building of deflection yokes.
>>>  It's a great resource,
>>> and might be what you're looking for.
>> Thanks John. I have the MIT RadLab publication of that title (more like
>> 1948!) but perhaps you mean a different one? If so who is the author?
> ...
> So it is apparently the same book you already have.

Thanks for confirming!


> - John

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