Apologies upfront. It was late at night and I was at least 51% joking around... 

> On May 17, 2021, at 4:18 AM, newxito <axta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My knowledge about non-numeric nixies is very limited. I know the IN-19 
> versions matching the IN-14 tubes and the IN-15 versions for the IN-12, 
> that's it.  

That's essentially it. It's my understanding that the IN-7x complements the 
IN-4 but I've never seen it done. And IIRC the IN-4 has no mercury so longevity 
is an issue. Everyone feel free to correct me. I'm only half awake right now.

I'd really like to know what the IN-5x(-1) variants were used for. I get the 
impression that the glyphs are the first letters of Russian words like "hour" 
or something but that's just a guess.

> I used IN-16 and IN-17 because they are only 13mm wide. I don't know if there 
> are +, -, E tubes that will fit.

I'm sure there are non-Soviet tubes small enough for the +/-. Smaller would 
look OK. A small sideview "E" might be slightly trickier to find.

> That's why I used a horizontal neon bulb for the minus sign. The reason why 
> the minus sign is now on the right is just a personal preference. A 
> non-floating minus sign on the left looked kind of strange.

I hadn't thought about that. 

> Displaying results using scientific notation should be only a firmware 
> change. Instead of an E, a blank tube in between should do the job. The 
> decimal point of the blank tube could indicate a negative exponent.

On my HP 35s it displays a diminutive capital  "E" before the exponent.

> Anyway, there are no plans to implement scientific notation, 14 digits are 
> good enough for my needs :-) 

If I run into it I know I probably hit the wrong button. I only have 12 visible 

> Errors and over/underflows are indicated showing the 14 decimal points

Another example of leveraging what you have.

> I’m not sure, but I think making a RPN version should be just a firmware 
> thing and some keycap legend changes (Enter)

Yeah, I could re-write the whole in FORTH. 

The "ENTER" key would have to be relocated and made wider. I'd also need √, 
1/X, y^x, π, and a destructive backspace (delete).

This turned out to be useful discussion after all. All blue-sky on my part but 

Terry Bowman, KA4HJH
"The Mac Doctor"


“...the book said something astonishing, a very big thought. The stars, it 
said, were suns but very far away. The Sun was a star but close up.”—Carl 
Sagan, "The Backbone Of Night", Cosmos, 1980

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