When you click on "xxx sold" on the listing page you get to see this:
As you can see most tubes were sold to people making an offer. The last 
sold Buy It Now price is from February 5 and back then it was $17.97
So far no one has paid $29.97 for a tube

On Friday, May 21, 2021 at 1:52:34 AM UTC+2 Terry Bowman wrote:

> I'm puzzled by this seller's prices. The more desirable stuff has a rather 
> steep markup compared to other sellers with good feedback. For example, 
> here's his listing for a new IN-14:
> https://www.ebay.com/itm/322820055634
> It says 925 sold but of course the price may have been lower 900 BINs back.
> I snagged one in cherry condition during the HV PS crowdfunder a few 
> months ago. I checked eBay at the time and there were a number of good 
> deals in the $20 + shipping range. I realize that prices are steadily 
> rising but this strikes me as riding the crest of the wave. 
> Am I just out of the loop? Someone please do a reality check.
> Terry Bowman, KA4HJH
> "The Mac Doctor"
> https://www.astarcloseup.com
> “...the book said something astonishing, a very big thought. The stars, it 
> said, were suns but very far away. The Sun was a star but close up.”—Carl 
> Sagan, "The Backbone Of Night", *Cosmos*, 1980

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