This might help. It's the source-code for 3D-printed collar for IN-18 tubes 
and I have 14 tubes of different manufacturing dates that fit just fine. 

//  Copyright (c) 2016 Greg Ebert
//  Generate pin-collar for IN-18 tubes
//  By setting nrow & ncol, any number of copies can
//  be created in a single print.
//  Setting both to 1 gives a single object
//  Dimensions are millimeters
outer_radius = 29.5/2;     // Disk diameter
hole_radius = 5;           // Interior center-hole for tube nib
pin_radius = 1.4;          // For socket pins
pinring_radius = 17.40/2;  // Location of socket pins
disk_thickness = 6.84;     // Millimeters
chamfer = 1.5;            // Top angled section
spacing = 0.3;             // spacing when replicating
nrow = 5;                  // Number of rows (X direction)
ncol = 5;                  // Number of columns (Y direction)
disk_color = [0,1,0];
hole_color = [1,0,1];
chamfer_color = [1,0.6,0.5];

for(j=[1:1:ncol]) {
 for(i=[1:1:nrow]) {
  xoffset = i*(2*outer_radius + spacing);
  yoffset = j*(2*outer_radius + spacing);
  difference () {

    translate([xoffset,yoffset,(-disk_thickness/2)]) color([chamfer_color]) 
cylinder(h=(chamfer), r2=outer_radius, r1=(outer_radiu
s - chamfer), center=true, $fn=90);    // Top chamfer
    translate([xoffset,yoffset,0]) color([hole_color]) 
cylinder(h=2*disk_thickness, r=hole_radius, center=true, $fn=20);   // Cent
er hole
    for(npin=[1:1:14]) {
        x = xoffset + pinring_radius * cos(npin*360/15);
        y = yoffset + pinring_radius * sin(npin * 360/15);
        translate([x,y,0] )
        color([hole_color]) cylinder(h=2*disk_thickness, 
r=pin_radius,$fn=40,center=true);    // Pin holes
    } // loop
  }   // difference
difference () {
    translate([xoffset,yoffset,0]) color(disk_color) 
cylinder(h=(disk_thickness-chamfer), r=outer_radius, center=true, $fn=90); 
Main disk
    translate([xoffset,yoffset,0]) color([hole_color]) 
cylinder(h=2*disk_thickness, r=hole_radius, center=true, $fn=20);   // 
Center h
    for(npin=[1:1:14]) {
        x = xoffset + pinring_radius * cos(npin*360/15);
        y = yoffset + pinring_radius * sin(npin * 360/15);
        translate([x,y,0] ) color([hole_color]) cylinder(h=disk_thickness, 
r=pin_radius,$fn=40,center=true);    // Pin holes
    } // loop
  }   // difference
 }    // Nrow
}     // Ncol

On Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 7:06:34 PM UTC-7 Zachary wrote:

> I'm trying to model a socket in Fusion 360 but a lot of what I find online 
> is contradictory. Any help would be greatly appreciated

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