[bcc'ing off jdk7-dev and cc'ing net-dev, to continue the conversation]

Alan Bateman wrote:
Guenther Niess wrote:
I don't think there is a mailing list for JNDI here but given that this seems to be an issue with the DNS provider, then net-dev would be a good place to bring it up. It's possible that when the support for using the host's resolver configuration was added that the IPv6 name server case wasn't tested.

I would tend to agree with Alan here, this was probably never tested. But it would appear that handling IPv6 nameservers was deliberately changed to expect the square brackets, see CR 4460956.

So, if you specify the nameservers using the DNS Pseudo-URLs in the java.naming.provider.url property, you should use the square brackets. Looks like a bug in the integration of the host's resolver configuration with the DnsClient. Maybe the nameservers, if IPv6, should be enclosed with square brackets before being passed to the DnsClient.



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