On 20/01/2011 14:17, Alan Bateman wrote:
The changes to InetAddress look good to me. I see the existing tests for
this spi are in test/sun/net/InetAddress and maybe the tests should go
there (I realize it might mean moving some existing tests but the
benefit is that the tests for this sun.net spi are in one place).

Good point, I think it would be best to keep these tests all together and in sun/net.

The name service used in these tests needs to be declared in the service provider configuration files, in META-INF/services ( which will be in the classpath of the running test ). It is easiest to put each test that requires a name service in its own directory where it can store its own service configuration files.

We have 3 such tests:
* sun/net/InetAddress/nameservice (existing) -> sun/net/InetAddress/nameservice/simple * java/net/InetAddress/B4762344.java -> sun/net/InetAddress/nameservice/chaining
 * sun/net/InetAddress/nameservice/deadlock (new for this bug)

Updated Webrev. Moved files are just that, no other changes.



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