New changes look fine Chris.


On 11/10/2011 11:51, Chris Hegarty wrote:
There was a cut'n'paste error in the original change for CR 7098719. super.create(stream) should be reinstated.

After the above, now the (closed) regression test amended for CR 7098719 fails. The reason is that TwoStacksPlainSocketImpl overrides the close() method, from AbstractPlainSocketImpl, and does not decrements the ResourceManagers count. This problem existed before CR 7098719, it is just now being seen as the amended test catches this situation. The solution is to simply invoke ResourceManager.afterUdpClose() for non-stream sockets, just as is done in AbstractPlainSocketImpl.close().

Webrev for CR 7099488:


On 10/11/11 10:36 AM, Chris Hegarty wrote:
Thanks Max,

I filed the following for this:
CR 7099488: "TwoStacksPlainSocketImpl should invoke
super.create(stream), typo in fix for 7098719"

Too many changes in too many repos!


On 10/11/11 06:32 AM, Weijun Wang wrote:

where T is a type-variable:
T extends Object declared in class Constructor
error: no suitable method found for create()
method AbstractPlainSocketImpl.create(boolean) is not applicable
(actual and formal argument lists differ in length)

Looks like something changed in a recent change

- super.create(stream);
+ try {
+ super.create();


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