Looking for a review around this issue that came in as a reported performance regression in NTLM proxy authentication. It turned out that HttpsClients were being discarded after Proxy SocketAddress equality tests failed. Lack of caching is expensive in terms for performance for TLS and needless handshakes. The 2nd round of NTLM authentication was passing in a Proxy which had a resolved SocketAddress. The previous Proxy creation for the same connection (via DefaultProxySelector) constructs Proxy using unresolved socketAddress. Proposed fix is to compare like with like and have Proxy construct with unresolved Address.

I captured more details in bug report. I'm also using this opportunity to adding some extra logging to the HttpsClient class and to correct a bad null versus NO_PROXY test that existed (line 339)

bug report : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8065994
webrev : http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~coffeys/webrev.8065994/webrev/


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