
On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 1:26 PM, Pavel Rappo <pavel.ra...@oracle.com> wrote:
>> On 13 Jun 2016, at 12:14, Simone Bordet <simone.bor...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Should the application be in charge of chopping outgoing messages in chunks 
>>> in
>>> order to provide better responsiveness when needed?
>> Not sure what you mean here.
> What I meant here was that Ping's latency doesn't depend on some kind of 
> magic.
> Implementation and/or application has to chop messages/fragments into more
> fragments of a certain size *beforehand* to provide more places a control 
> frame
> can be injected to.
> If a giant message/frame has been being sent, there's nothing can be done to
> interject a control message quickly.
> If we say a partial message corresponds to 1+ frames on a wire than both
> implementation and the application can contribute better responsiveness. If we
> say a partial message corresponds to exactly 1 frame, than all the burden of
> chopping is on the application. In this case the responsiveness is independent
> from an implementation.

That is again a semantic problem, but I think this one is simple: the
implementation cannot guarantee that one API call correspond to one
There are, for example, fragmentation extensions that
fragment/reassemble frames into smaller/larger units, so it that
extension is in place the guarantee is lost.
Same for gzipping. I know that the current draft does not support
extensions, but a 1-to-1 semantic is not something you want to bind to
when in future you may add extensions.

Simone Bordet
Finally, no matter how good the architecture and design are,
to deliver bug-free software with optimal performance and reliability,
the implementation technique must be flawless.   Victoria Livschitz

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