On 12/22/2016 4:08 PM, Zeller, Arno wrote:

Hi Vyom,

thanks you for having a look at my patch!

Regarding your suggestion to call CHECK_NULL_RETURN in DefaultProxySelector.c:

I guess you mean the Unix variant of DefaultProxySelector.c (src/java.base/unix/native/libnet/DefaultProxySelector.c).

419     if (proxies) {

420         if (!error) {

421             int i;

422             // create an empty LinkedList to add the Proxy objects.

423 proxyList = (*env)->NewObject(env, list_class, list_ctrID);

424             if (proxyList != NULL) {

425 for(i = 0; proxies[i]; i++) {


454                 }

455             }

456         }

457 (*g_strfreev)(proxies);

458     }

There I check in the next line if proxyList is NULL and skip the rest in this case, but I cannot return without freeing the memory I got from the gnome function call by calling (g_strfreev) later - otherwise there would be a memory leak.

yes that true, but if NewObject failed at line 423 then there will be pending JNI exception in "getSystemProxy" method which calls "getProxyByGProxyResolver" method. I will suggest you to check for any JNI exception after calling the "getProxyByGProxyResolver".

And in the Windows case it is the same pattern - at the point where I removed the CHECK_NULL_RETURN macros I hold Windows system memory (in proxy_info and ie_proxy_config) that I have to free with GlobalFree(...) and I also have to release the JNI memory I hold with ReleaseStringChars(...).

I hope this explains the motivation of my change at this point.

it make sense but I am not the JNI expert may be some one else can comments if it is safe to call the functions like "ReleaseStringChars" etc even if there is pending JNI exception before(if NewString fails at 266) function call.


Best regards,


*From:*net-dev [mailto:net-dev-boun...@openjdk.java.net] *On Behalf Of *Vyom Tewari
*Sent:* Mittwoch, 21. Dezember 2016 17:08
*To:* net-dev@openjdk.java.net
*Subject:* Re: RFR:8170868: DefaultProxySelector should use system defaults on Windows, MacOS and Gnome

Hi Arno,
I suggest you to call "CHECK_NULL_RETURN" after below line in DefaultProxySelector.c
// create an empty LinkedList to add the Proxy objects.
+            proxyList = (*env)->NewObject(env, list_class, list_ctrID);
in windows/native/libnet/DefaultProxySelector.c file you remove the couple of "CHECK_NULL_RETURN"
 jstring jhost;
-          if (pport == 0)
-            pport = defport;
-          jhost = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, phost);
-          CHECK_NULL_RETURN(jhost, NULL);
- isa = (*env)->CallStaticObjectMethod(env, isaddr_class, isaddr_createUnresolvedID, jhost, pport);
-          CHECK_NULL_RETURN(isa, NULL);
- proxy = (*env)->NewObject(env, proxy_class, proxy_ctrID, type_proxy, isa);
-          return proxy;
+          if (portVal == 0)
+            portVal = defport;
+          jhost = (*env)->NewString(env, phost, (jsize)wcslen(phost));
+          if (jhost != NULL) {
+ isa = (*env)->CallStaticObjectMethod(env, isaddr_class, isaddr_createUnresolvedID, jhost, portVal);
+            if (isa != NULL) {
+ jobject proxy = (*env)->NewObject(env, proxy_class, proxy_ctrID, type_proxy, isa);
+              if (proxy != NULL) {
+ (*env)->CallBooleanMethod(env, proxy_list, list_addID, proxy);
+              }
+            }
+          }
Is there is specific reason behind removing these checks ?

On 12/21/2016 6:23 PM, Zeller, Arno wrote:

    Hi Volker,

    thanks for your valuable comments! I have a new patch ready that
    should address your issues and contains also a forgotten change to
    the map file...

    New webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~clanger/webrevs/8170868.1/

        - make/lib/NetworkingLibraries.gmk


        Have you tried to use



        I think this should work and it would mke it possible to rename:




        which is much nicer IMHO :)

    Great idea - it works and is of course the much nicer solution!

        - DefaultProxySelector.java

        322         return proxyList == null ?
        Arrays.asList(Proxy.NO_PROXY) :


        Not sure if it would make sense to preallocate a static List
        with a single

        Proxy.NO_PROXY element and always return that if proxyList
        equals null?

    I return a new List object each time, because the select(URI uri)
    method does not state anything about

    not modifying the returned list. In case I return a static list
    containing only the NO_PROXY element

    a caller could remove the object from the list and other caller
    would use the same modified list.

    To avoid this I always create a new List object.

        - java.base/unix/native/libnet/DefaultProxySelector.c

        You've removed "#include <strings.h>". Have you built on all
        Unix platforms

        (AIX, Solaris) to make sure you don't break anything?

    It compiled on Linux, AIX, Solaris and Mac without problems for me.

        - java.base/windows/native/libnet/DefaultProxySelector.c

        Not sure if I understand this right, but in the gconf case
        above you insert all

        proxies returned by "g_proxy_resolver_lookup" into the
        prox-list returned by

        DefaultProxySelector_getSystemProxies. In the Windows case you

        247        * From MSDN: The proxy server list contains one or
        more of

        the following strings separated by semicolons or whitespace.

        248        * ([<scheme>=][<scheme>"://"]<server>[":"<port>])

        249        * We will only take the first entry here because the

        java.net.Proxy class has only one entry.

        Why can't you build up a proxy list here in the same way you
        do it for the

        gconf case on Unix?

    Sorry - I just forgot to implement it. Good that you found it. The
    new webrev contains the missing functionality.

        - src/java.base/macosx/native/libnet/DefaultProxySelector_mac.c

        76 #define kResolveProxyRunLoopMode


        I'm not familiar with the Mac programming model, but I don't think

        "com.sap.jvm.DefaultProxySelector" is a good name for

        kResolveProxyRunLoopMode. It should be something like

        "java.net.DefaultProxySelector" but I'm open for better
        proposals :)

    You are right - I changed it to "sun.net.spi.DefaultProxySelector".

        PS: for your next RFR, can you please also add the estimated
        sisze and the bug

        id to the subject line (e.g. "RFR(M):

        8170868:DefaultProxySelector should..."). This makes it much
        easier to find a

        review thread :)

    I'll do my best next time...

    Best regards,


        On Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 5:06 PM, Zeller, Arno
        <arno.zel...@sap.com> <mailto:arno.zel...@sap.com>wrote:


            can you please review my proposal for bug 8170868 -

        should use system defaults on Windows, MacOS and Gnome.





            Thanks a lot,

            Arno Zeller

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